The regressions continue (2)

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Audrey opened her eyes and heard the sound of people talking around her.

It was a language she didn't know but strangely she could understand it.

'Praise the Fool!'

She was sitting in a high place in front of a desk, looking down to a black board along other people on the rows below. This arrangement was somewhat similar to a theater.

However, the others were all dressed in the same uniforms and listening to an adult standing in front of the board who seemed to be teaching something.

Was this a school?

The letters were unfamiliar. They didn't seem to be Rosellivan (Chinese) nor Loenese, Intisian, Ancient Hermes or anything she knew; but she could also understand them.

In a sense, this resembled her experience in Groselle's Travels.

Audrey thoughtfully analyzed the situation. The subject taught in front of her seemed to be quite advanced, the room was clean and the students seemed to come from quite well-off families... She also wondered how the lights in the ceiling worked.

It was strange.

It seemed like she was in a completely different world.

The architecture and unknown devices all around the room made her think back to Mr. World's words.

No, maybe it wasn't a different world. Since she was here thanks to a coin related to Mr. Fool, maybe it was a different era?

However, it should be impossible even for gods to travel so far back in time.

Unable to determine the situation she was in, Audrey shook her head.

This wasn't important now. She decided to think about it later.

The lights turned off and people began to panic, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"What happened?"

"Is there a power outage?"

As the lights turned back on, Audrey appeased everyone and was relieved to still have her Beyonder abilities.

She looked around, searching for any signs of the other Tarot Club members, when her gaze paused on something in the middle of the room.

It wasn't there before.

With two small horns and wearing a small straw mat, a strange and fluffy creature was floating in the air.

"What is this?"

"Augmented reality?"

"A dokkaebi?"

People chatted between themselves but Audrey was confused.

'Augmented reality? Dokkaebi?'

What was this?

She turned to the person beside her and asked:

"What are augmented reality and dokkaebis?"

Her words were automatically translated in that unknown language.

The other frowned as if the answer was obvious.

"Augmented reality is... uh... When a device creates holograms..."

The student seemed to have trouble explaining it.

"And a dokkaebi is a legendary creature that appears in myths."

Audrey nodded and made an excuse.

"Ah, okay. Thank you, I guess I must've been tired."

However, she was even more confused now.

Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World (Final Revision)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora