Something isn't right (4)

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[It was an ordinary morning. Well, afternoon, but Cale had woken up not long ago. As usual, Cale had left the orphanage to catch a few researched criminals and was setting up traps.

Suddenly, his ears caught the sound of footsteps.

Cale frowned and heard the person stop.

While paying attention to his surroundings, he touched the revolver in his pocket and slowly approached the source of the sound, then Cale turned around the corner and pointed his weapon at the other person.

There, a familiar face greeted him. Xin Jian smiled and playfully raised up her arms.

"So, are we flirting right now?"

Cale raised an eyebrow.

"I nearly KILLED you."

"That doesn't answer my question."

The crimson-haired man sighed in exasperation.

"Where did you read this?"

"Aw, I was caught."

'No, I just know you too well.'

These words were left unsaid as the crimson-haired man went back to his task, consciously ignoring his friend looking over his shoulder.]

Cale stopped reminiscing as the face of the man named 'Kim Dokja' entered his view.

"What are you thinking about?"

The teenager frowned in distaste but still answered him.

"I'm thinking about my friend."

The other man tilted his head.

"Your friend?"

Cale hummed.

"Yes, I didn't say goodbye when I left."

He could remember the last words she had told him. Thinking about it, her words were quite strange.

Lost in thought, he said them aloud.

"'Outer Gods are entities located before the confines of Earth and the Solar System, exerting their influence from deep space or from beyond our dimension. However, some Outer Gods have taken up residence on Earth. They may be distinguished from Great Old Ones, although the distinction isn't universally acknowledged.'"

The man's eyes widened, but Cale didn't notice it and continued.

"'The Great Old Ones are ancient, powerful creatures whose origins lie in the distant past of the cosmos, no two Great Old Ones are exactly alike, although they tend to share similar traits. Most are colossal monstrosities formed from the very fabric of the universe and virtually impossible to destroy, have minds whose thought processes are incomprehensible to humans, show little to no regard for the consequences their actions may have on lesser beings, and drive to insanity any who look upon their true form. In addition, the majority of them are able to influence the minds of sentient creatures even when sleeping or dormant. Initially believed to have been merely indifferent to the fates of those unfortunate enough to be around them, recent writings have shown the majority of them to be actively hostile to the mortal population of the cosmos.'"

The man who called himself 'Kim Dokja' completely stopped walking.

"'So imagine that there is a story. If the real villain was a Great Old One but the Great Old Ones are outside the story, doesn't it mean that the real villain isn't featured in the story? In that case, only the  author of that story is the closest person to knowing the identity of the villain, and you would have to go to the author to find and kill the villain...'"

Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World (Final Revision)Where stories live. Discover now