Sherlock Moriarty (2)

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Should he pull out some angels? Or would a bomb be better?

While he seriously considered the option, monsters were approaching.

"Miss Sharron, what is your sequence?"

She glanced at him.

"Sequence 3."

Zhou Mingrui nodded.

Sequence 9 Prisoner, Sequence 8 Lunatic, Sequence 7 Werewolf, Sequence 6 Zombie, Sequence 5 Wraith, Sequence 4 Puppet and Sequence 3 Disciple of Silence.

He formulated a plan in his head.

Judging from the evolution of the sequence's names and the need to repress one's desires, Zhou Mingrui had a rough grasp of how the people of this pathway should act.

For example, the 'Werewolf' became a 'Zombie', a dead human; then the 'Zombie' became a 'Wraith', making the Beyonder less human; and the 'Wraith' became a 'Puppet', like a sealed artifact, the Beyonder even became an object; until  the Sequence 0 'Chained God' who was bound and couldn't move.

This Pathway represented temperance as the Beyonders were deprived of their freedom (Sequence 9 Prisoner) then their sanity (Sequence 8 Lunatic); they had to repress their desires and were slowly dehumanized, unable to do have their own will.

The Sequence 3 'Disciple of Silence' should represent the need to stay silent, complementing the previous Sequence 4 'Puppet'. Moreover, the madness of this pathway became stronger as the beyonders' sequence increased.

The Beyonders of the Chained Pathway even sacrificed their sanity to go beserk and be able to use stronger abilities; back then, Maric also had to take sedatives to suppress his desires at the full moon.

In short, he didn't want to let Sharron fight this insignificant battle and use her Beyonder abilities for 8 hours, in case it drained her spirituality and put her in danger of losing control. After all, his sequence was far higher than hers but he still had a high risk of losing control if he didn't pay attention.

Sharron's pathway was particularly dangerous for her and even though Sequence 3 beyonders were strong, they weren't supposed to fight for 8 hours. Normally, people at this sequence didn't have much problem since they were strong enough to kill most enemies in a matter of seconds.

Zhou Mingrui pulled out a doll from the pores of history and told her:

"Stick to this, you don't need to fight."

Sharron stared at Sherlock without answering and did as she was told.

After that, Zhou Mingrui put the doll on his shoulder and looked around.


A few trolls ran and bit some of the alliance members while people were shouting.

Zhou Mingrui threw some matches (also gotten from the pores of history) around and lit them, nonchalantly jumping through flames and shooting air bullets at the nearby monsters to kill them, saving a few people at the same time.

He glanced at the protagonist and saw him leaning on a wall upstairs, with the staircases being broken, protected by a high school girl (Lee Jihye) who slayed the people trying to take revenge against her master while Yoo Jonghyuk didn't pay attention to it and observed the massacre downstairs.

After the mess he caused, the man didn't even intend to help.

Zhou Mingrui put his attention back to the matter at hand and swiftly evaded the incoming attack. However, he was still careful so as to not let the doll (Sharron) on his shoulder fall and constantly stabilized himself with the clown's agility.

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