Bulimic fever

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This chapter is in Harry's point of view-

She has been showering for a long time. something is wrong. I walk in the bathroom to see her bent on the floor in front of the toilet, sticking her finger in the back of her throat and vomiting." stop it, your hurting yourself" I said to her."get out Harry, you can't be in here" she said. " you have a condition it's called bulimia" I said, very worried." I'm not bulimic" she said. " then stop doing that to yourself" I said. " ok" she said and started to cry. i walk her back to the bedroom and sit her down on the bed." why would you that" I asked her with concern. "I don't know, but that day that I saw you making out with that girl, made me feel like I should be like that girl. she was pretty, skinny and very beautiful.she looked perfect. I wanted to be that too. I don't ever want to lose you harry" she said." I don't care about other girl.... all I want is you." I said. I leaned closer to kiss her, our lips touched, and I tried making her feel safe, I pulled her into a hug.

You and I Harry•Harry styles•(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now