Boss Monster

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In the heart of the blazing forest, where burning trees swayed eerily, a player battled against a horde of monsters. With skillful movements, he cut through the creatures one by one, effortlessly navigating his way through the fray.

"I didn't know this forest was so good for leveling up."

Lucian, now a changed man, cleaved through hordes of flaming goblins, each of them wielding flames in their hands, as he skillfully used his scythe to cut through their bodies with ease and absolute precision.

Every time the scythe touched the monsters, it applied a [Instant Death] effect, easily granting them instant demise. The cleaving was merely an additional feature that Lucian had incorporated into the weapon by adding more data crystals.

However, there were too many of these goblins. Unlike the typical goblins who would often appear half-naked, only covering their private areas, these goblins were each clad in metal armor that protected their vital parts. They also wore caps resembling miners and wielded hammers in one hand, while flames flickered in the other.

Lucian currently stood about 20 meters away from a cave situated right next to a stream of lava, which the goblins were fiercely defending. This cave housed a boss monster, and players had to defeat the goblins before they could confront the boss.

As for how Lucian learned this, it was thanks to the bestiary he won through a Gachapon!

Now, you might be wondering, what was Gachapon? Well, it was essentially a gacha shop that offered a chance to win numerous rare gacha items. Rare items were what players aimed to obtain. Gachapon had a variety of gachas, each featuring its own set of rare items. This meant players had a shot at winning their favorite gacha items from Gachapon.

What he won was a bestiary that provided detailed information on monsters ranging from level 1 to level 80(excluding the boss monsters). It included their attack pattern, weaknesses, and more.

There was another bestiary he recieved as a reward for completing his first story quest, but to his disappointment, it was an empty bestiary containing only pictures and names of the monsters, without any additional details.

However, the details of these goblins were available in the quest as well since he had to eliminate 200 of them to complete the current story quest he was doing.

Lucian cleaved through the last [Ignis Gnaw]. This was the name of this particular species of goblins.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm already level 33; otherwise, I would have had a tough time fighting all those level 40+ Ignis Gnaws with just my physical attacks."

Lucian spoke to himself as he waved his stoic avatar's head, shamelessly forgetting the fact that his scythe was a Divine-class weapon imbued with instant death effects, capable of eliminating opponents without any effort. The avatar now resembled a young man similar to his real-life self, bearing a striking resemblance. Lucian had invested a significant amount of time designing it, using numerous paid skins and textures to make it as realistic as possible.

Lucian was currently adorned in a lightweight armor of red hue with intricate golden outlines. The red color would glow when Lucian engaged in combat, though it had now dimmed to its normal state. This armor had the special ability to enhance his physical stats during battle. Likewise, the golden lines would illuminate when he channeled his MP to boost his magical stats.

This armor was another Divine-Class item, acquired through a real cash auction he participated in just last night. Divine-Class items were exceptionally rare, a rarity even among level 100 players.

After all, Divine-Class items were the ultimate pinnacle of what Yggdrasil had to offer. In the hierarchy of Gears and Items Class, it progressed from Low to Middle to High to Top to Legacy to Relic to Legendary, with Divine being the highest and most coveted.

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