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"Are you sure about this, Master?" Mei Mei asked in a rather worrisome tone as she looked at Lucian positioning himself at the center of the rocky lava mountain they were standing on.

"Just do it already. It's not like he's deleting his character," Suzune chimed in, standing a little further from Mei Mei. Normally, Mei Mei would be the one berating Suzune for asking useless questions, but this time, it was Suzune. This was how it always went when it came to important Yggdrasil matters.

"Just do it, Mei Mei..." Lucian said as he looked at her. His avatar appeared different, with two chain-like bracers on his hands that seemed to glow. In his hand, he held an elongated tube-like structure that pulsated with an eerie black hue, appearing almost organic, like a beating heart.

"I've turned off all my passives and sealed 80% of my stats," Lucian explained as he tapped on the skill menu and activated skills and abilities that drained his HP. His body transformed into his Sin Form, covered in a black bodysuit with black wings materializing behind him, and a third eye opening on his forehead. He continued to activate skills and abilities that consumed HP, yet his HP kept regenerating.

"Mei Mei, when I give the signal, attack, and make sure that you shoot it right through my heart. And make sure that the item's skill takes effect," Lucian instructed as he raised his hand and fiddled with his game screen using his other hand. Soon, he was ready. He spread his left arm and held the elongated tube-like organ near his heart, looking at Mei Mei.

"Go on and kill me," Lucian said, intentionally injecting some emotion into his words to provoke Mei Mei. He knew she hated when he talked about dying.

"Although I really hate that I'll even have to commit this act, I'll do it if that's what you wish..." Mei Mei muttered as she held an item in her hand. The item resembled a simple golden dart with a draconic face engraved at the end of it. Mei Mei took aim and directed the dart at Lucian's chest and the elongated tube-like organ. She didn't have any archery classes, but her assassin class granted her the ability to throw objects accurately, which Lucian deemed sufficient for this task.

"Suzune, turn the effects of the world item on," Lucian instructed as he tapped on the ring, further sealing his stats.

"Right away," Suzune replied without a moment's delay and produced a circular translucent orb with four types of light floating inside, giving the impression that they were alive. This orb was a world item named [The Three Marks of Existence], which could only be used by players with +500 karma. This world item possessed very powerful chronomantic effects. Suzune was the sole member in their group who could use this world item due to her +500 karma, which was a result of her angelic Racial Class of a Throne. To clarify, she was a Throne connected to Lucian himself. You might wonder how this was possible. Well, within the angel racial tree, there was a class called Throne, offering options to become a different racial class of Throne, each associated with a different god and specialization. Suzune, being a Developer, painstakingly created the class of [Throne: Aeternus] after playing Yggdrasil for a while because she wanted an exclusive class that connected her to Lucian, much like Mei Mei's Shadow Slave ability.

"[Activate - Chrono Lock: Level - 11]," Suzune muttered as her wings began to flutter, and the entire spherical orb lit up, emitting multicolored energy directed at Lucian. His figure turned black and white, almost as if the colors were being drained away, rendering him completely motionless.

"Do it now," Lucian shouted, still able to use the voice chat function despite being forever locked in time due to the effect, unless he used certain skills and abilities.

"[Eclipse Bane]," Mei Mei activated the skill as she threw the dart straight at Lucian. The dart shot off like lightning, leaving behind a trail of lightning, fire, gust, water, poison, and every possible element. It hit the elongated organ before striking Lucian directly in the chest, creating a pillar of elemental light that shot upwards as multiple elements attacked Lucian simultaneously.

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