1.1 Tough Luck Kid

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Y/N L/N sat in his professor's office. He knew this was not going to be a fun talk. While everyone else did good on their research essays, he was called in for "topical reasons" as they put in. In truth, he thought he was on to something big. If only his professors would understand. 

Professor: Well Mr. L/N, I assume you know why I wanted to speak with you.

Y/N: I can take a wild guess.

Professor: It's about your essay. I am concerned about the topic you chose. 

He read the title of the paper held in front of him.

Professor: "The Theoretical Connection Between Electrically Induced Currents and Spirit Photography."

He continued to read snippets from the essay.

Professor: "It's plausible to assume that spirits conduct a negative form of energy, which can then be used to form a physical image using a positively charged current."

Y/N: Sir, if you'll just let me explain...

Professor: This university does not condone the works of mad parapsychologists or any pseudoscience as a valuable form of research. We do not allow ghost stories told by the campfire as scientific fact.

Y/N let out a sigh. The 21 year old knew this content would get him into trouble, but he just couldn't help himself. There was something fascinating about the whole subject of the paranormal.

Professor: You need to take this seriously. Think about your future. Think about what you want to do and what drives you. 

In all honesty, Y/N didn't have anything that drove him. He wasn't sure what to make of his life. He decided to attend Colombia because he was excited about the prospect of being in New York. The city lights and college atmosphere was exactly what he needed to get away from his dull, boring home life. However, when it came to his studies, he wasn't sure what he wanted to do. He decided to major in electrical engineering as well as minor in marketing. With something like that, he was sure he could find a stable job in the city. However in terms of content, nothing truly thrilled him. 

That was until two months ago, when he attended a lecture by Dr. Stantz and Dr. Spengler. In truth, he always found Dr. Stantz to be a funny man. He always seemed like a child stuck in a grown man's body. It was fun seeing him bounce across the stage and try to hold onto the podium as he excitedly pointed to what was on the screen. He was goofy, but in a fun way.

However, what really got Y/N's attention was what he was presenting. Dr. Stantz was giving a presentation on the paranormal and the prospect of spirts and ghouls being more than mere myths. He explained how he, Dr. Spengler, and Dr. Venkman had been investigating paranormal and psychokinetic disturbances across the tristate area over the past two years. The slideshow presented photographs of livestock supposedly slain by a local demon, structural damage done to a small house by an unknown and unseen force, as well as a bent spoon. After the presentation, Y/N became fascinated with the paranormal. He would constantly read books about possible encounters and legends. He wondered if there was a way to not only see a ghost, but catch it on film. The idea that ghosts were real and walked among the living was just too thrilling to pass up.

That led to today, where Y/N decided to write an essay on spirit photography. He honestly thought his ideas had potential. If ghosts were truly made of negative ions, then a positive charge of ions or even just an electrical current could make them visible to the naked eye. Plus, the potential study behind spirits and the scientific implication of their existence was incredible to think about. His professor didn't think so though.

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