2.3 Day in Court

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Y/N stood in the court room, hearing the judge read the other men their rights. As it turns out, Ray, Peter, and Egon were investigating a paranormal event for Dana Barrett. And by 'investigate' this meant digging a whole in the middle of First Avenue and hitting a powerline, causing a city-wide blackout. 

You guys have really done it this time, Y/N thought. He was joining Winston in seeing how the trial would end. It wasn't a matter of if they would be prosecuted by rather what their full punishment would be.

Judge Stephen Wexler was a stern man. His balding head was partly topped by a few gray hairs. He had a gruff voice with a face only a mother could love. He began the trial by setting the record straight.

Judge: Before we begin this trial, I want to make one thing very clear. The law does not recognize the existence of ghosts. I don't believe in them either. So I don't want to hear a lot of malarky about goblins and spooks and demons. We're going to stick to the facts in this case. Leave the ghost stories to the kiddies. Understood?

Y/N and Winston walked over to the defendants table to talk with the guys.

Winston: Wow. Sounds like a pretty open minded guy. Huh?

Spengler: Yeah, they call him 'the Hammer'.

Ray: What can we do? It's all in the hands of our lawyer now.

At that moment, Louis Tully walked over to the table. He placed down an armful of books in front of Ray.

Louis: I think you guys are making a big mistake. I do mostly tax laws and probate stuff occasionally. I got my law degree in night school.

Ray: Oh that's fine, Louis. We got arrested at night.

Y/N: Look, just hang in there. I know you guys can pull through this. Winston and I will be here for you in the back.

Y/N and Zeddemore proceeded to walk to the back of the room and sat with the other citizens. On his way to his seat, Y/N noticed a thin man talking to the female prosecutor. He recognized him as Jack Hardemeyer, the mayor's assistant. Winston turned and spoke to Y/N.

Winston: You really think they can pull through this?

Y/N: Hell no. 

Louis was up defending the Ghostbusters, albeit ineffectively.

Louis: Your honor, ladies and gentleman of the audience, I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds. Ok, so the blackout was a big problem for everybody. I was stuck in an elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time. But I don't blame them because one time I turned into a dog and they helped me. Thank you.

Louis returned to his seat. The judge simply looked at him in shock after hearing possibly the worst defense in his career.

 The judge simply looked at him in shock after hearing possibly the worst defense in his career

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