2.11 Countdown to Vigo

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Grace ran across the street towards the Ghostbusters' firehouse. She was determined to help them no matter what. If the world was going to end, she wanted to go down swinging. Besides, she thought to herself, I just met the right guy and am not losing him to some demonic Casper from hell

She ran up to the firehouse doors and tried to open them only to find them locked. She banged on the door but no one answered. She contemplated breaking it down when something caught her eye. Parked on the street was Y/N's car. She remembered Christmas Eve. Surely there was some equipment in there she could use.

Inside the museum, Janosz Poha and Dana Barrett stood with party hats on their heads. Baby Oscar was laying on a pedestal in front of the Vigo painting. The evil tyrant's soul was in the process of fusing with the baby's. Janosz looked down at his watch. 

Janosz: Four minutes to go and then party time.

Dana tried to step forward and stop the ritual but Janosz held her back with a firm grip. The face of Vigo slowly started to appear over the baby's face as the ritual neared completion.

Janosz: It's happening. It's really happening.

Suddenly he heard a creaking noise from above him. He looked up to the sky light to see the Statue of Liberty looking down at him. The slime covering the glass dome began to dissipate as the positive energy of New York overpowered the shell. Dana quickly ran over and grabbed Oscar just in time. The face of Vigo roared and quickly vanished.

Janosz: No. No! Go away from here! Go away!

Outside the museum, Lady Liberty stood tall and firm. There was only one way to get in now. She pulled her torch back high above her head. The Ghostbusters cheered it on from the crown.

Peter: Come on baby! I love you when you roughhouse! 

Egon: Hit it, mama!

Winston: Let's go!

Y/N: Bust it open!

Ray: Drop the hammer!

The statue brought its torch back down quickly. It smashed the skylight open, sending shards of stained glass to the floor. Janosz tried to shield himself from the falling debris. 

The Ghostbusters dropped ropes out of the statue's crown and began to descend into the building

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The Ghostbusters dropped ropes out of the statue's crown and began to descend into the building. Dana Barrette looked up at the incoming heroes. 

Dana: Oscar, look!

Janosz: Go away!

The Ghostbusters made it to the museum floor and unhooked from their cables. Ray and Winston carried their heavy slime blowers while the other three wore their standard proton packs.

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