Chapter twenty-one

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Chapter 21

His heart raced as he stared down into the face of mate. No words could describe how he felt. No feelings grew, no tears came. Only a vase hollowness. The sun's rays had hid behind the darkness of the day. The moon was now raining above. Time was standing still as though it moved for the rest of the world.

The darkening around his eyes stood out against the cold pale mabled skin. Death was upon him. Called out his name to return. The pack doctor worked as hard as he could to keep death away from Zero. However death was stronger. Now, it was completely up to Zero's will to live. He had to fight to come back.

Laying his hand on the chest that barely rose. Langdon couldn't believe this was happening. Savage had gone to a new low. Placing wolves in trees with Wolf's Bane arrows. Does that man have no end? No honor? What wolf fights with arrows? A man who holds no soul, that's who.

Listening to the Beta's coming in. He shifted his body to protect his mate. His instincts were up and running on high. No one was going to touch his mate without his say so. Josh sat down in a chair. His shoulder was still bandaged up. The claw markings were starting to fade more. Aaron came around to the side of the bed. Placed a plate of food on the table beside the bed. Then took a seat in the chair off to the side. Courtney was right with him. Just like Cherry was with Josh. Their Alpha was hurt. Had fought to protect them. All they could do was wait, like he was.

Like clockwork, Vera came in with Amber to see how he was doing. Nothing had changed. Zero laid there as if he was a shell waiting for death to finish him off. Amber came and sat beside him. She laid her head down on Langdon's lap. In his mind he knew that this was Zero's sister. She needed the comfort. In his body, he wanted to fling her off for coming close to his mate. In his heart, he didn't have the strength. He needed her there as much as she needed to be there.

Taking a deep breath, Vera reminded him he needed to eat. When Zero woke up and finds out that he hasn't been eating. There will be hell to pay. His beast whined. Zero will be mad at him for not taking care of himself. Shifting his position on the bed. Amber slid between his legs and laid back down. He used her shoulder to balance the plate before he began eating.

Over hearing a conversation between his brother and the Alpha. Langdon frowned even more. Dalson had ran into some trouble. He will be late arriving. Soon as he takes care of the situation he's in, he'll be here. Once they entered, Jalin looked right at him knowing they all had over heard the conversation. He didn't repeat himself. Just added that Dalson promises to be here when he can.

The pack doctor came in about thirty minutes later. Giving off a warning growl, the pack doctor paused. This wasn't expected to come out of him. Alpha Blackwood ordered him to go on. All Langdon was doing was protecting his mate. He should be use to this by now. Grumbling that mates sometime causes more trouble than needed. Langdon exited a growl with a deep sigh. The pack doctor was pushing his limits. This silence the doctor really quickly.

Each wolf got ready for bed. As Cherry helped Josh take his shirt off. They found Langdon standing over him taking the pain away. Josh nodded his head in a thank you manner. Langdon still had the urge to help the pack.

Once everyone was snuggled down for the night. Vera went around with blankets in her hands. Covering each wolf up. She felt a pride slipping through her sadness. Not one of the teens would leave. Right before bed, Max and Jen came to stay. They all felt the relief in Langdon upon seeing Max. They knew that Max had become Langdon's bestfriend. Having his bestfriend there made it a little bit more tolerable.

Zero's body was barely showing from under the bodies laying around and on him. Langdon had his head rested on Zero's shoulder while Amber was still snuggled down in between his legs. Vera threw the blankets over the girls then Langdon and Amber. Before the light was switched off, Langdon laced his fingers with Zero's. He sent vibes to his mate, wishing he would return to him.

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