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Chapter 30

            “Kagen please help him?” Tibitha was down on her knees with her hands clasped together. “Only you know what to do.”

            “That’s BS and you know it. There’s an Alpha, he’ll figure something out.”

            “How can you say that! I thought wolves were your thing.”

            “My thing?” He crossed his arms, “Just because it comes natural doesn’t mean jack.”

            Tibitha threw out her hands, stood up. “Apparently begging you isn’t going to work. It’s been three days Kagen, three! Tatom can’t find Langdon!”

            “Not my problem!” Kagen slammed the door in her face.

            When will these people ever learn that he wants nothing to do with the pack or whatever her son was doing. When will Tibitha learn that every time she came over here to speak of that son of hers, it only opens new wounds. Answers apparently he wasn’t going to get anytime soon.

            Pacing his floor, Kagen ran a hand through his hair multiple times. So what if Langdon was an Empathy or he was taken by one of the nastiest Alphas. So what if the pack couldn’t find him and his mate was going mad. So what! No wolf cares enough about human feelings or how their ways break people into two.

            Pouching his fist through the wall, he screamed out. “Damn you! I hate you Tatom, so help me God you will get yours!”

            Who in the hell does that woman think she is? Coming here and begging him for that red head mongrel of a son. Tatom had already taking enough from him. So what if he knew about wolves or the way a pack works. He wasn’t a pack of his pack! His anger began to rise the more he thought.

            Snatching his jacket off the back of the chair, he went out the door. Savage wouldn’t keep Langdon around the pack’s territory. He would move away. Most likely somewhere Lorraine would know. Close to the witch’s community but not too close.

            Starting the engine, Kagen listened to the night air. There was something there, he felt it. Magic might not be upon him. However his gut was on lock. Something was defiantly in the air. Flying out the driveway, he blew passed Tibitha who was speaking with one of the believers, as he calls them. The witches who believe in the War that is coming. War was already upon them.

            Driving down every street he thought that Lorraine would take a wolf pack. There was no such luck. Lorraine was smarter than this. She knew the directions of the winds would send the scent of a pack into the air. Langdon’s screams would be noticed.

            They were a state away from the pack. Where would she take him that was within driving distance for the council? Kagen laid his head on the steering wheel. Deep calming breaths entered his chest.

            “Think, think,” whispering as the scent of wet animal entered his nose.

            Looking outside there was a cat sitting on a garbage can lid licking its paw. Focusing on the cat’s paw. He noticed that their was no foul odor coming from the cans. Meaning trash pick up. Trash pick up? This late in the week?

            Stepping out of the car, he focused his attention on the surroundings. That’s when he seen the signs. Lorraine was leaving the council signs on how to find her. Her symbols where placed upon the buildings and objects around.

Return of the ancients (boyxboy) 1-30 editingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora