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The boys sat on a couch. A camera towards them.

I sat away and tried not to laugh as they explained their latests adventures.

Sitting in my seat I waited till they were finished and when Louis turned off the camera and gave the camera to a guy to edit he moved towards me and pecked my cheek.

Paul was taking a phone call.

The boys started shifting awkwardly, twitching and scratching, jittery and shaking, they look uncomfortable like they were wearing nanas christmas woolen jumper, too tight, itchy and not quiet what they wanted. They were nervous.

"Lil," it was Liam that approached me, "I don't want to be rude but, well, can you, uhg, leave?"

He smiled kindly.

"Yeah, um," I grabbed my coat, "okay,"

I didn't know where to go but luckily Tilly stepped in.

"Well, lets got get you dolled up then, yeah?"

"Yes," I gasped, "yes let's go,"

I reached for Louis to kiss him goodbye but he pushed me away and tapped my shoulder comfortably.

"I will catch you later,"

I nodded and let my hand slip away from his.

I turned and left with Tilly.

A hollow empty feeling hung in my stomach.

Was Louis already sick of me?

Was everything already going sour?

* * *

I sat in Philips chair and he mushed the shampo into my hair.

I told him my doubts.

"How many days have to been together?" He asked.

"Forty eight hours," I answered.


"And I guess that's not too long and we have rushed it a bit."

I sighed and slouched.

"Sit up!" Philip groaned.

I apologized and sat up.

"I'm sorry I snapped," he muttered.

"Are you okay?"

He paused and smiled at me in the mirror.


"Want to talk about it?"

"Yes," he grinned.

Philip explained how his boyfriend had broken up with him. How the engagement had been held off and how his boyfriend had cheated on him.

With a girl.

Philip cried on my shoulder and Suzan and I comforted him.

He was extremely upset distraught.

And I knew how it felt.

To feel betrayed.

To feel spoiled, rotten, guilty.

And to feel your heart break into pieces.

And I feared it may happen again.

The sort-of-but-not-really-a-fanfic of One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now