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I walked in like the time before, dresse immaculately, like a princess, like a model, like Barbie.

I felt unreal and fake, not beautiful and sexy.

I smiled at the boys and sat in silence as they prepared. Louis didn't look at me. Not once.

I tried to ignore him ignoring me. But I couldn't keep my eyes off him, I was still attracted to him.

I mean he was gorgeous. He was handsome and charming and a goofball.

And he was ignoring me.


Something inside me made me want to run up and snog his face off and another part told me to assault him with a slap for ignoring me. But I just say their watching him, laugh, joke and sit soundly while the makeup artist did her work.

Then he looked at me. Caught my eye for a moment. But looked away with a rush.

I crossed my arms. I was all dolled up for nothing.

Apart from improving 1Ds image.

He sat next to me an let his hand brush against mine. Zayn.

I looked up into his deep brown eyes and he looked back into me.

"You okay?" He asked a weak smile on his face. I didn't think he was okay.

"Yeah," I said a fake smile filling my face, "yeah, I'm swell."

'Swell?' I thought, 'no one says swell!"

"Yeah, that's," he paused to present me with a quick darting smile, "cool."

I smiled in response, big an toothy grin.

He just nodded and stood up. When he was gone I felt bad. He was being nice. And I was being stupid. Over reacting. I just needed to calm down.

"Boys you're on in five minutes." They stood up and did a few stretches and then huddled, had a quick chat with Paul then separated towards the stage.

Louis came up to me, held my hand and his and kissed me. Sweetly and tenderly.

"I'm sorry I've been acting weird," he muttered, "I promise, everything is okay!"

I nodded and let him go.

I think he knew I wasn't alright.

The sort-of-but-not-really-a-fanfic of One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now