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He kissed me goodbye at the airport and I caught a taxi home. Opening the door of my apartment everything seemed empty as if the boys hadn't been here at all. But they had and it was real. crazy ridiculous real. I hurt from moving around to much to I sat down at the TV and turned it on.

There was me kissing Louis goodbye and some new reporter talking about our romance. I didn't care anymore, although I felt I could never get use to the spotlight. I had always wanted to do film but now, knowing what it's like to be famous, I think I'd be all too much.

I slumped deeper into the couch.

I was engaged.


To a member of one freaking direction.

I held my head high and smirked. Every teenage girls dream and I had done it just over a month.

I was amazing.

I am amazing

I looked at the phone.

I had a text.

'Hey babe, I love you, you're beautiful. see you at Christmas.'


I looked back at the TV.

The TV showed more picture of the airport.

And then a flaming wreck out at sea.

I turned up the volume.

"The plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean, Louis Tomlinson from one direction is said to be on board."

Plane crashed...


"No survivors have been found alive."

"Louis and 5 others are still to be found"




The sort-of-but-not-really-a-fanfic of One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now