Chapter 16

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(Joseph's pov)

"Hey mom" I said as I entered the kitchen. As it used to be the kitchen was spotless and smelled like snicker-doodles. My mother didn't turn around even after I called her so Dean tapped on her shoulder. She gasped and turned around, her long straight black hair slapping Dean in the process.

I chuckled with Dean and so did Dustin but Alex just kinda hid behind me. I didn't notice till now but he stayed as far as he could from Dean. When he first had said hi to me he was hiding behind Dustin... I'll have to ask him about this later (if I don't forget to ask). I grabbed Alex's hand behind my back so no one would be able to notice.

"Ah JOSEPH DARLING- DEAN WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THEY GOT HERE" she proceeded to smack him behind the head and he just grinned while she smiled playfully...

Maybe I shouldn't have come maybe Jason was wrong mom seems happy enough.

"Joseph what are you just standing there for come over here" I hesitantly release Alex's hand and go for a hug with my mom. She pulled me closer and whispered in my ear..."honey your boyfriend better not be younger then 18 or else I'll find this boy's parents-" I stop her mid sentence and look down at her (she was only a inch or two shorter)

"We aren't dating and he's 19 mom" I looked at her surprised but whispered back not like it made a difference I'm sure they all heard the next part.

"Well darling you need to step up your game and make the first move. I didn't raise my child to be a whimp"

Everyone pauses and suddenly Dustin starts laughing his ass off. Did she just..."MOM" she laughs, pats my shoulder and passes me by.

"Now you don't have to hide I won't bite. I'm miss Martinez. But just call me mom..."

Alex just stares at my mom but says nothing.

"mm a shy one aren't you? "

I look at Alex, holding Dustin's hand firmly and Dustin doing the same. My mom looks as if she were going to say something to Dustin but just turned around and looked at me weirdly.

"Mm Joseph I'll be having a conversation with you later. For now let me show y'all your rooms"

My mom had chose us all separate rooms but I had to explain Alex's situation with panic attacks so he's actually staying with Dustin. I got a simple room that probably was the same as the other 6 rooms in this house.

As my mother had said I ended up being dragged away from helping Dustin and Alex unpack to have a 'talk' with her. We entered a home office with a small bed at the edge of the room. My mom sat at the edge of the bed and patted the seat next to her. We sat there for no more then 2 minutes just in silence.

"Joseph... I don't know why you've suddenly decided to visit me...but I'm ready to have you back into my life. It's been 7 years since I've seen you and I know you still probably have a grudge against me, but I really do hope you can forgive me for those years I did nothing but watch your father beat down on you and Jason mentally"

I could tell how much my mom had been thinking of saying these words to me. The tears streaming down her cheeks onto her hand seemed to hold her regret. My mothers cracked voice as she apologized had a feel of peace. As she had finished her sentence I stood there for a little...I could sense something was not right.

"Mom there's no way I couldn't accept your apology, I love you mom, but I know your not saying this because your regret has  you all come back at once...what's wrong mom?"

"It's nothing to be worried about, and I can feel at peace now that you've accepted my apology that's all that matters...and that boy, Alex? Tell me about him"

I knew what was happening she was trying her best to change the subject. And I was going to let her because I rather let her tell me when she's ready then force it out of her.

"Oh Alex um yeah...we kinda saved him after he got badly injured at the park" I stood up and started looking around the room. I kinda felt uncomfortable explaining Alex, knowing that I'll have to tell her he's a Neko...which can start some unneeded drama.

"The poor boy! Was he in his cat form or human form- how bad was it?" I froze for a second, did she just?

"Honey answer my question I must know now that you've said it" I turned around and she really did seemed worried for him even though he's a Neko. But still how did she know?

"It happened about 3 months back already mom his leg and back were badly injured ...we have a lot of catching up how Christoph left and hasn't come back and I was in a coma for about 22 days..." My mom gasped and stood up from the bed.

"MY CHILD WAS IN A COMA AND I DIDNT KNOW?! WHAT ELSE HAVE I MISSEd DID YOU ALSO LIKE DIE AND COME BACK FROM HEAVEN?!" She began pacing back and forth. I grabbed her shoulders and gave her a long hug.

"I'll explain everything" I said calmly


After about a hour of explaining and just having small chats with my mom we decided it was time for lunch and time to meet the kids. It was only 3pm when the kids entered the house from school.

My mother giving them both a large hugs as they entered the house. They didn't notice me or Dustin (Alex was changing at the moment) so my mom had to escort them to us.

"Erik, Emilia meet your step brother Joseph and Um Dustin a Neko...who is close to our family" the young boy only the age of 13 gave me a hug and quickly said "Nice to meet you big bro" And his sister the age of 16 pinched his shoulder and sighed at him. "Sorry about him, nice to meet you I'm Emilia- AND YOUR FRIEND DUSTIN"

They both bombarded Dustin and it wasn't to hard to tell Dustin was very uncomfortable with his situation. "Are you really a Neko!? Can you change right now?? Does it hurt when you change to a cat? Where you born a cat or human? do you have a owner?" The boy went on and asked him with no pause at all.

Dustin flinched at the last question and the kids where able to notice it wasn't a subject he wanted to get on so they backed off a little. But Dustin being him he answered every single question.

"Yes I am a Neko, I can change right now if I wanted to, no it doesn't hurt when we change, I was born human just like every single other Neko, and no I don't have a owner anymore" my mom looked at him surprised at how easy he was able to say it. Yeah Jason might have died a good time ago but Dustin was never able to go through the grieving process so he still has so much pain in him.

Dean walked into the living room randomly and paused as he could sense the tense atmosphere. "Uh dinner is ready...I'll just wait in the kitchen"

My mom called the kids and told them to go put there  backpacks in there room.


Lunch went pretty well we all sat at the kitchen table and talked about our days. We were laughing and joking. Especially about how the kids saw Alex in his cat form and chased him into the restroom haha they had no idea it was him till I got a call from Alex and had to explain to the kids who he was.

After lunch we decided to just hang out in our rooms for a little. I took a nap with Alex for about a hour. Then went to the living room and had small conversations with the kids and helped them with there homework. The rest of the day went calmly and slow. Then came dinner it was just a day of chilling and eating pretty much haha.

Jason I know you sent me here for a reason and I feel like I know what it is...thank you once again big bro.
Omg OMG omg I finally finished the chapter , it took me forever but omg finally ITS HERE a chapter XD
I think this is the latest I've ever been with a chapter and you have no idea how bad I feel about that *bows* I'm sorry.

Now I must also thank you for 30k reads and the 1.37k votes because I really do appreciate it.  AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST Thank you soooooo much for the comments I have to say there my favorite part of having a book, they always seem to cheer me up and motivate me to write (I'm sorry if I don't answer your comments, I'll try answering more of them)

Now a question for Y'all.

Who is Y'all's favorite ship in my book? Or favorite thing one of the characters has said?


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