Chapter 22 ENDING

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(Joseph's pov)

On the first week home everyone was so tired and by everyone I mean everyone ! All the nekos had been staying at the house as they slowly got paired with a loving family or person with a extensive background check. Which takes about a 2 months, that's seems like a short amount of time for each Neko to get along with a stranger but our new selection system has been helping with that.

Imagine 5 people are put in a room with 5 nekos and they all get to hang out and do fun activities and at the end of the month the neko choses who they feel most comfortable with. They then mutually  agree and they get to go out on a real date to 20 of our safe options for nekos Incase the date goes wrong there are people there to help them out at those places.

Other then those nekos the younger nekos and hybrids were put into a new school I've created with tony who helped me set up the whole system. They have regular school classes, all day available counselors and free lunch . They will slowly find themselves within society living within others with all there freedom in there hands for them to control. This is what I've made my company into now, a school system created just to help nekos which I've been able to fund with the savings my brother had been saving for Dustin and himself. (I asked permission don't worry Dustin was happy to donate the money).

Now at 4 months the house is basically close to empty. Dustin has been getting ready to move out soon and live on his own with his new job as a bartender. Ivan and him have slowly come back to each other and talk out there issues but there still very tense around each other. Today Dustin asked me to help him separate the boxes out of his room and the few in my closet I had been holding for him.

We woke up early at around 7 am, ate breakfast and began to clutter his room. Me and Dustin started off with his clothes folding the clean clothes and putting them away. Then setting aside the dirty ones to wash. After that we moved on to taking down old posters and cleaning out his bookshelf. Around this time Alex came in to help with the packing and putting his clothes in the wash. Every once an a while Dustin would find something he'd lost and explain why and how he lost it, then throw it away seconds later.

"Hey Dustin you going to need this" I say slightly disgusted as I pull out a thong out of the dark abyss he calls a closet.

He giggles and whispers "those aren't mine" I immediately let go of them and felt a strong need to chop off my hand in disgust.

Dustin burst out laughing and gave me a small pat on the shoulder "I'm kidding chill out, just leave them there and I'll pick it up later" I gladly left them on the ground.

After another hour of finding odd objects and putting them into there weirdly sorted out boxes. It was now 12 and we felt like we had done enough for the day, we still had around 14 days to pack so we weren't in a giant rush. Alex was ready for lunch anyways so we went downstairs to start cooking for us and the other two nekos who had just woken up.

We cooked fish fillets with rice and a side of veggies. A good quick meal to keep us full for a bit. We talked a bit about how the hybrids were getting along with everyone and how the bear hybrid had began to experience hibernation habits, such as eating 3 plates of lunch and stealing from a Jaguar hybrid. It gave us a good laugh.

"Sooo what we gonna do today?" Alex whispered in my ear as I helped the maid dry a few dishes.

I shrugged and replied as I wiped down a plate "whatever you want babe, we can go out, cuddle or play some board games"

He hugged me from behind as he replied simply with "let's play monopoly"

I stopped drying the plates and turned around to face Alex "you sure you wanna play monopoly it's a pretty frustrating game" I said to him with a concerned look.

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