Chapter 8

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(Josephs pov)

<><>??? Time later<><>

Me: can someone turn off the goddamn lights...ugh

Unknown: oh good your awake. ill be right back with the doctors

Me: did you not hear me right. Turn off the lights you perky ass woman.

Unknown: sorry I cant turn them off.

I was getting mad and frustrated now. The lights were burning my un opened eyes and the perky woman wasn't helping me get rid of the burning pain. I heard the door close...DID SHE JUST LEAVE WITHOUT TURNING OFF THE LIGHTS.

I tried opening my eyes knowing that the lights wouldn't be turned off anytime soon.

Wait a minute...


I opened my eyes letting the burning sensation in my eyes get worse. I was in a white room with a small coffee table next to me, 2 chairs next to the door facing the bed and their was another door on the other side of the room...Im guessing thats the restroom. I heard a 'click' and a man looking to be the age of 40 came walking in the room with a clipboard. He wore the basic doctor clothing so it wasn't to hard to know who he was.

Doctor: Mell Hello mr. Martinez I'm doctor Robertson. Do you know where you are at?

Me: yeah! I'm in a hospital

I tried my hardest not to be rude to him but he just...gave me this annoyed almost everyone else also gives me.

Doctor: yes your at a hospital. Do you know WHY your at a hospital.

Uhhhhh...I actually have no idea why I'm here...maybe I finally snapped and punched the mailman...MAN I HATE THE MAILMAN. Wait but why would I be at a hospital if I were to beat him up...

Me: nope. not a single clue

Doctor: From what your guards and workers have said on May 3. You were almost abducted by a man. He held a gun to your head until he was able to make it out of the building safely. So once he got outside he pushed you into the busy street...leading you to get hit by a car.


If I got hit by a car I think I at least deserve someone to turn off the goddanm lights!. I glared at the doctor for no really good reason.

A knock on the door stopped my thoughts from going any further. The pirky nurse from earlier came walking back in the room with...

Alex & Dustin: Joseph!

I covered my ears at the sound of their yelling. My head hurt so much at just the sound of anything loud I felt as if someone were trying to open my head with a hammer.

Alex ran around the nurse and the doctor to get to my side and whispered to me "Are you in any pain, You do remember me right, pleeease don't forget me..." I chuckled at how cute he looked as he rambled on asking questions worriedly.

Doctor: he's going to be fine he just needs a x-ray and a goodnights sleep then he can leave.

Dustin: Thats great and all but Joseph cant get a would be a risk of his safety if anybody were to get their hands on a x-ray of were he was hit on the head.

Doctor: We can just throw away the x-ray if its that important

Me: true. Well if getting that x-ray means I can leave tomorrow then I'm getting that x-ray.

Both the doctor and dustin nodded their was heads fine with my decision. I turned my attention back on the still rambling Alex. I sat up from the bed and slightly groaned in pain when my whole spine made a faint pop noise. Alex looked at me weirdly but smiled as my hand slid into his.

I made it seem like I was holding his hand to calm him down...when it was really just for the warmth and feeling of him. I could just say the words 'I love you' to him right now but it would mean nothing if I weren't first to claim as mine.

<><><><>After the x-ray<><><><><>

The doctor had sent Dustin and Alex into the waiting room so I could have some rest now BUT this pirky nurse cant stop trying to help with every single thing. I layed in the bed and put the blankets over me but the nurse came over to my bed instead of leaving and began moving my blankets around and adjusting my bed. The worst part is that she was humming and singing a song...IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE. Stupid nurse Im not a little kid I gave her a death stare in a attempt to get her to move. She just pouted and kept singing...I didn't want to do this but shes giving me no choice.

Me: Can you stop singing already! your voice sounds like nails on a chalk actually worse! its like the damn banshee ((mythical legend dead woman that screams...LOUDLY)).

She gasped then looked at me mad.

Nurse: Why are you so grumpy!?

Me: I don't know and I don't care. Just leave.

She pinched me in the shoulder then ran out of the room. THAT DAMN BI*CH

I let out a deep breath and looked around the room in an attempt to calm myself down. I stopped to look next to the restroom door. their was a calendar next to the restroom door...the date May 25???
If I remember correctly the doctor said it was May 3 when I was hit by the car. Was I in a coma for 22 days???
Oooh so thats why Alex was so worried. He must have thought I wouldn't remember him when id wake up or worse he thought id never wake up at poor neko.

Sorry for a terrible chapter. Also sorry for the terrible spelling :/ I wanted this chapter to be different than most of my chapters but it came out weird. So I might end up deleting this chapter and writing it all over again. It would help a lot if you could comment and tell me what you think about this chapter. Oh and THANK YOU FOR THE 1.3k reads :)

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