Chapter 3

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Dustin had cleaned the neko up and put bandages all over the neko. Making him look like a tiny mummy.I still don't know the name of the neko or anything about him in general. It was starting to get on my nerves not knowing anything about the neko. I stood up from the couch and walked towards the small neko on the floor. He was so....cute asleep. The neko was on the floor next to the fire place curled up into a small ball and ever so often his ears would twitch.

who would ever hurt a neko so adorable? Wait I OWN a whole neko selling company why didn't I think of this before we have every record of every neko sold. I could just search up I don't know his name.



Christoph: I have the right to say whatever I want to you low life's like you


Both Dustin and Christoph turned their heads in my direction. They were in my kitchen each one of them on one side of the dinner table. On the floor was a broken plate.

Me: Christoph...please leave for the day. Dustin go to the living room and check on the neko. BUT before you move from your spots I want you both to apologize to each other.

Dustin: But-

Me: no but's! Apologize NOW.

Christoph gave me a annoyed look before bowing down and apologizing to Dustin. Dustin gritted his teeth and did the same thing. Man they act like little kids sometimes. I picked up the broken pieces of plate off the floor and quickly threw it away so I could go back to the living room.


I sat down beside the neko petting his soft black furr. His ears twitched many times before he started to whine. It looked like he was having a bad dream it was probably a dream of his owner. I picked him up and layed him down on my lap so it would be easier for me to comfort him.

Dustin: I think once we take off the his bandages his going to have to change into his human form. Since it would be much easier to help him when he can walk and not have furr in the way of his cuts.

Me: Finally- I mean yeah it would be better if he changed into his human form.

Whoops. It really did make me happy to know he would have to change into his human form. He looked so beautiful as a neko I bet he looks gorgeous as a human. I Need to stop thinking like this.Yes he's cute, yes his eyes are the most beautiful color of blue I've ever seen it dosent mean anything. Like When Dustin used to changed into his neko form i also thought he was beautiful (but not as beautiful as this neko).

I DONT LIKE THIS NEKO, I DONT LIKE THIS NEKO, I DONT LIKE THIS NEKO. He can turn out being a really cocky 15 year old that thinks he can do whatever he wants SO i cant say i like him until I've talked to him myself.

-_- My mind has never thought of liking a person before...what is it even like to be in love???

This is the most confusing thing thats ever happend in my life and thats a big thing to say.


The next chapter will be the one

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