1 filler chapter

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I had just turned 14years old a month ago and I felt like I was already a grown up and that I could make my own decisions.

"Mom what's wrong...mom...who were you talking too?" I started to get anxious when I saw the tears in my mom's eyes. She hugged me and started to cry the hardest ive ever seen her cry. I was so confused this had never happened before. I begged my mom to tell me what was happening. She looked into my eyes and...It hit me like a brick wall. Someone died...but who?...NO.

"MOM who-"

"Your brother" My dad walked into the kitchen with a emotionless face like usual. He walked towards the kitchen table and sat down. I walked up next to him astonished at how calm he was.

"but how?"

My dad looked up at me and nudged his head at a chair beside him.

"Your brother took over the company knowing that he would be Risking his life. Being high in the company business has always been dangerous...but most of us are able to stay clear from danger. Your brother was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your brother Jason was assassinated this morning. He had sent his car to pick up Dustin, so he had to take a taxi home and the taxi driver...was a assassin sent to kill Jason. So if your gonna blame anyone blame that dumb Neko DUSTIN"

My dad slammed his fist on the table making my mom cry louder. I was mad now. How could my dad blame Dustin...he didn't do anything wrong. It was Jason's choice to take a taxi!



Dad Dustin made Jason so happy you should be thanking dustin for making Jason's life so much more...AMAZING"

My dad stood up right next to me and lifted up his hand...and slapped me.

"You will never talk back to me like that again"



2 months later


It happened again. Why do i get these dreams? should I really listen to him?


Why am I at the dinner table?

"Hey little bro."


I tried standing up from my chair but it was like if I were glued to the chair.


My brother walked up to a chair across from me and sat down.

"I don't have that much time so ill give you a small summary. I am dead. This is only a dream. Im here to help you. Im also here to ask about how Dustin is doing?"

It took me a few seconds for everything he said to sink in but once it did I was hit by a million questions and feelings.

"I know you must have alot of questions but I need you to listen to me very closely"

I nodded my head slowly wondering if this was real or not.

"Hows Dustin doing with my death?"

''Uh... He's been...terrible...he blames himself....he hurts himself...he's not the Dustin you loved Jason"

Jason's smile was now gone. I regretted telling him the truth.

"I-I want you to be their for him...please...he was the best thing in my life...So please do anything it takes to help him"

My brother hung his head down ashamed to be asking me for help. I didn't like it when he used to do this and I still don't.

"I'll do my best"


"Im sorry bro but I have to go already ill explain more next time...also thank you..."

Jason stood up quickly from his chair and started to wave good bye to me.

RIIING! RIIIIIIING! (Ps.its a alarm clock XD)


End of sad/cute dream


Should I really trust Jason?


Thank you for the amazing comments ive been getting i really love them :)

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