Chapter 9

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(Alex pov)

I felt so relieved that Joseph had woke up with all of his memory after he got hit by a car. I was sitting out side in the waiting room with Dustin while Joseph was taking a nap. The doctors told me that I should go home and rest since I had been coming to the hospital every single day to check on Joseph. But I couldn't leave knowing that Joseph was finally awake and doing well.

I looked around the room filled with chairs and a few sleeping people. I had noticed a few days ago of one woman that seemed to be close to Joseph's doctor. She would come every morning and ask if anybody wanted a coffee or snack. She was a very kind woman...and a very kind neko. I wonder if the woman is the neko to the doctor?.

I sat further back in my chair trying to get comfortable. Tommorow is going to be a busy day so I better get a good nights rest.

~~~Next morning~~~

Joseph: weeeeeee

Me: This is so weird

Joseph: push harder weeeeee

Me: If I push any harder your going to fall off

Joseph: common!!!!

Me: your acting like a 6 year old

Jospeh: no I not

I laughed at how childish Joseph was acting. Him and painpills do not go together well. Joseph had woke up this morning with a huge headache so the nurse gave him some painpills.

Me: common we don't want to break the wheelchair

Joseph: its so fuuun...but I'm dizzy so I want to get off.

Dustin was walking beside us the whole time just watching our every move as if he was trying to calculate something. I moved myself infront of Joseph and held out my hand for him.

Joseph: your such a gentlemen.

He grabbed my hand and pulled himself up. Its weird to see Joseph like this since he's more of a grumpy, sassy and at times caring man. Joseph was in front of me and Dustin. He was wobblling his way to the exit of the hospital. If this is how he is with painpills I wonder how he is when hes drunk...I hope his not like master when hes drunk...

~~~Driving home~~~

I layed my head on the window as I listened to Joseph sing to a song I found on his phone.

Joseph: If I had to
I would put myself right beside you So let me ask
Would you like that? Would you like that?
And I don't mind. If you say this love is the last time, So now I'll ask
Do you like that?
Do you like that?
Something's getting in the way.
Something's just about to break.
I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane.
So tell me how it should be.

Joseph sang all the lyrics by memory but what really suprised me was how amazing he sang to the song. I could have slept listening to his soothing voice but I couldnt stop staring at his eyes...their hidding something...I couldnt notice till now it might be because of the song or that singing makes him feel open but whatever it is it gave me the chance to see a glimpse of Josephs hidden sadness.

Once the song ended Joseph looked back at me as I stared into his eyes. He smirked at me...

Joseph: I can see that Dustin took you out look

I felt my cheeks heat up from blushing I turned away from him not wanting him to laugh at my blushing.

He did not just call

Its probably because of the pain pills right?

I looked every where but at Joseph, that was so embarrassing. I turned to look at Dustin instead and I could notice he was trying his hardest to hold back his laughter.

Me: pay attention to the road Dustin

I grunted at Dustin. Its not nice to laugh at peoples embarrassments.


Joseph: finally home sweet hoooome!!! Time for me to go to bed.

Me: ok. Well then good night

I started walking my way into a guest bedroom but I was stopped by Dustin.

Dustin: I know you dont want to sleep alone Alex...I also know that Joseph is a snuggler when he sleeps.

Me: I'm perfectly fine sleeping alone...


I ended up having a terrible nightmare at night and I woke up Joseph and Dustin with my screams.So In the end I ended up sleeping in Joseph's room and I figured out Dustin wasnt lying when he said Joseph was a snuggler...and I never knew id be so happy about it.

Doneeee! Finally I can go to sleeeeep ive been writing since 7pm and its little after 3am already so I'm SLEEEPY. So I'm going to say everything I have to say left in the form of a list.

Song Joseph sang- Diary of Jane by breaking benjamin the video is connected to the chapter :)

I'm sorry- for the late update, terrible spelling and short chapter

I hope- to see you in the next chapter byeeeee

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