Chapter 17

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(Joseph's pov)

Today was not like yesterday or the day before at my moms house, well the day started off ok but once dinner came it all changed


"Uh I'll be back just give me a minute" I grab my phone and hang up on the call. My mom smiles at me points at my plate.

"If you don't make it back by the time where done with desert your food will be in the fridge for you honey" she shoos me away.I quickly get into my room and call back.

"So what have you gotten him to say" I speak with a strict demanding voice.

"He said he would only talk if it where with you and the neko" the voice on the other says calmly.

I felt anger go through me. Like hell I was going to let him talk to Alex!

"Do everything that is needed just try getting him to talk, we need to know all details if push comes to shove I'll be there Friday"

"Yes sir" where the last words I heard and I hung up the phone. I threw the phone on the bed and sighed loudly. Shit was getting worse and worse as time passed on and I knew if I didn't do something it would hurt Alex and the company. But I kept pushing this to the side as if it didn't even matter. But this was a bad situation. I stood up and began passing back and forth.

I heard a few knocks on the door and I immediately opened the door swinging it till it hit the wall behind the door.

"Woah calm down there hulk no need to be aggressive" Dustin walked in slowly grabbing the door and closing it slowly. I wasn't in the mood for Dustin's jokes. But apparently he wasn't either.

"Now hulk EXPLAIN" with one hand on my collar he pulled me down to his face.

"You leave dinner to answer a call and me being me I snitched Now explain" he looked at me with pain in his eyes "I'm not going to lose you too Joseph...please let me help...let US help you"

I felt so bad because I knew that if I didn't say anything and something bad did happen, he'd blame himself just like he did with Jason.

"I'll explain everything...if you go to my mom-" Dustin interrupts me with a glare and a sharp voice "Just because your moms a fucking therapist doesn't mean I'm just going to tell her my feelings!...Joseph stop please I'm ok but I'll even be better knowing that you and Alex are safe"

We look at each other both pushing our words onto each other. I sigh and walk towards my bed and sit down. I patted the seat next to me and nudge my head for him to come over.

He sits next to me, slowly I began explaining.

"As you know I had people going after Alex's abuser, but he was actually already captured a few weeks back. thing is the place he was found seems to be starting a up roar with our company and theirs. He works for transportation services. But it didn't mean anything to us until we found him exiting the exact same taxi Jason was in, yeah it could have been a coincidence but there was a woman driving...a past worker for our company"

Dustin stopped me with a hiss, his tail and ears were out.

"Why didn't you tell me this was happening!! We shouldn't be here we should be in protection services or something!" he began pacing back and forth just as I did.

"Dustin! Let me finish explaining please" Dustin's ears lowered.

"We had a talk with the past worker and she said she was undercover for her new job, for she's now a secret agent. She said she'd tell us all the details she could get for us. So at the moment she's helping us and almost like protecting us with some of her co workers."

Dustin stops me again this time calmly "How do you know she won't betray us. If she was let off the job wouldn't she want revenge?"

I shook my head disagreeing "We didn't let her off, she quit to follow in her dads footsteps. So I don't see any reason for her to betray us. Now the thing about this is that the transportation company knows of us holding there Vice President, and there not very happy about that. So where having some contract problems. But that's nothing bad. I guess what is bad is that Alex's abuser won't talk and we can't really resolve that with physically. So we tried making a deal but apparently the only way he's going to talk is if it's with me and Alex..."

Dustin stares at me with shock. But suddenly smacks my arm. "This was going on the whole time and you didn't tell me any of it!?"

I was ready to respond but my mom walks in the room with a sly smile "now kids fighting won't help anything" she suddenly glares at both of us and we look away ashamed at how childish we were acting.

"Now we all know where a family of snitches and were good at hiding secrets from people but let's try refraining from doing that to each other" my mom says calmly.

She then looks behind her (we can't see what's she's looking at because of the door blocking the way) slowly my step sister and brother walk in. Behind them comes Dean and then slowly walks in Alex in his cat form. WELL SHIT NOW ITS NO SECRET. I look at them with and apologetic smile.

"Now you've been here two days and you have one day left. This doesn't give us enough time for us to help you but if you stayed a few days more I'm sure we could get this whole problem fixed with a little help" Dean calmly said with a smile. I imminently looked at how Dustin was taking this but before I could turn around he punched my shoulder almost with full strength.

I lightly hissed "You deserved that, now how are we going to fix this?" Dustin grinned. I looked at everyone around me. Everyone here cares about me...and are risking there life's for me. Alex wrapped his tail around my leg and began rubbing against me. I picked him up and gave him a light kiss on his head.

"Where going to have to get more help if where going to get anywhere with this." My mom randomly commented.

"I'll call Ian", "I'll call your uncle", "I'll call my sister"((Dean said)) "can I call my boyfriend?" We all paused and looked at Emilia. My mom and Dean looked at each other for a second "NOPE" They both said in unison.

We laughed but not for long we all got to work and got on our phones calling and texting for all the support we could get.


The end yup that's it folks thanks for reading my book it was a great 17 chapters you'll have to wait a whole year for the next book where this will continue- SIKE. Just kidding You probably knew that was coming but who cares, so here I am again with another update! Woo haha.

Thank you once again for all the votes, comments & reads it's all well appreciated :)

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