Chapter 10

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(Josephs pov)

I woke up with Alex snuggled up next to me. This has to be my very first morning Im not sad to have woken up. I gently moved Alex further away from me so I could get up without waking him up. I put on a lose shirt and walked out of my room. It was 5 am so it was almost pitch black in the house.

Christoph was usually the one to wake me up and turn on the lights...I remember telling him to take a break for a day because of him and Dustin fighting but I would have thought he would have come back by now.

I walked into the living room and searched for the controler for the Tv. My hand traced over the flat counch until I hit a bump...the control...oh wait THATS NOT THE CONTROL. I quickly moved away from the fluffy object...fluffy?...

The Tv turned on suddenly and lit the room up so I could now see Dustin laying weirdly on the couch.

Dustin: you pet my head!

Me: I thought your head was the control.

Dustin: how do you get a head confused with a control?!?

I shrugged and sat down next to Dustins head. We sat/layed their watching criminal minds for about a hour before Alex walked into the room in his neko form. Both me and Dustin stared at Alex walk towards us. Now that all of his wounds were mostly gone he looked like a cat that could have belonged to a Queen or a egyptian king.

Alex sat down next to my tigh and seemed to lean against it trying to get comfortable. I pet his head and he responded with a light purr. We sat there on the couch doing nothing but watching criminal minds. Well not until Dustin burst out laughing, making Alex hide under my shirt, that also made Dustin laugh even harder.

Me: Dustin what's so funny?

Dustin: I'm not going to tell you.

I glared at him slightly but he ingnored it completely.

Dustin: um...ok well I remembered something that happened...yesterday

It quickly clicked in my head that I had little memory about yesterday.

Me: Explain. It. To. Me. NOW.

Dustin: uh ok so....


I ACTED LIKE A CHILD, SANG and THEN CALLED ALEX SEXY... Never going to have pain pills again! Even if I'm dying from pain!

Alex had gotten out of my shirt and started meowing to Dustin after he finished telling me about yesterday.

Alex ran out of the room and a few minutes later he came back into the room in his human form wearing some new clothes...uh he...he actually does look pretty se-...never mind hes more like...cute.

Dustin smirked at me as if he had just read my mind. Alex stood up and walked infront of me. He leaned over so his face was EXTREMELY close to mine.

Alex: let's go

Me: go were?

Alex: Anywhere. I just want to be able to talk to you in private...since ive already catched up with Dustin and I know very little about you. Its kinda akward staying at someones house without knowing anything about them.

Me: That is I guess we can go now, just let me get dressed.

He nodded then moved out of the way. I stood up and walked my way to my room. The whole way to my room and while I changed I kept thinking about a perfect place to go out with Alex too. I can't wait to see hes face when we go to-


Im sooo sorry this chapter is late and short. Im also sorry that the chapter has terrible spelling mistakes (that ill fix later). Other then those few sorrys I must say thank you to you and the rest of my readers BECAUSE I have made it to 2k reads on this book :)
For making it to 2k reads ill make the next chapter special. YOU the readers can chose the location Joseph and Alex get to go tooooo.

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