Chapter 1

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"don't hide...please?"

"Christoph make time in my schedule to go to the park"

"But sir you have 4 meetings and-"

"I don't care, I need a break from work or else I'm going to be a giant walking ball of stress" I lied to Christoph again its starting to become a bad habit.

When I was young I would go to the park whenever I had the time.I was always busy ever since my older brother died thats when the family company was then left down to me...a young 14 year old. I never really had a childhood now that I think more about it. Now that Ive been running the biggest Neko selling company for 8 years Ive lost most of all my social life.Yup that makes me 22 year old with only 1 friend and no relationship.

"Christoph, Bring the car around in 10"

"Understood sir"


The car slowed down, took its last turn and parked across the street facing a park. I sat at a near by bench next to a slide. After a while of just staring at the flowers around the park, the parents of the children at the park started to noticed who I was.

"hey I remember seeing him on tv he owns a company right?"

"you mean the old grumpy dude sitting near the slide?"

"yeah him"

"now that I think about it...oh He owns that neko selling company that my brother called so he could be put on the list"

"thats weird if he owns that company don't you think he should be their?"

The two jogging women kept talking as they past by me not even carrying I was right infront of them.Their was about 10 or more kids at the park but the park still looked so empty.


A young boy screamed out to his mom but not only did the mom come over but all the children.

A older girl about the age of 13 pushed through the crowd telling the little boy.

"No dumb dumb its a Neko"

"Ive never seen a neko before" the young little boy said back curiousity in his voice.

I was having the urge to go and explain the whole ordeal with Nekos and humans but it would be a waste of time. In stead I stood up and walked towards the crowd to check out what the whole commotion was about instead of explaning. I said "excuse me" to all the children that were in my way to get to the front. I made it to the front of the crowd at the same time as one of the moms from earlier that was talking about me.

I looked down at the neko and my heart seemed to sink a little depper into the dark.

The black cat was bleeding from its back and one paw. It hurt to see the neko looinkg so terrible. Most nekos were pampered or at least keeped in good condition since they are very prized in this and many countries. I wonder what's the story behind this poor black cat.

The mom looked at the cat and started to back the kids away seeing that the cat wasnt in good condition and it didn't look pretty at all. I stood their looking at the cat waiting for the cat to move or at least show a sign that it was alive.

"Sir why are you standing their do something to help the poor neko you deal with them so you should know what to do?"

The mom semmed to be mad at me for just standing doing nothing their but what am I supposed to do? I sign off papers that send nekos like this one to their owners Ive never had to help one before.

Me and the mom turned to the neko. We heard a small purr coming from the neko. At least now we know "he" is alive. I only know one person who has tooken care of a brother but hes gone. Wait I do know someone else other than my brother that knows about nekos. I took out my phone and called Christoph.

"Christoph I need you to call Dustin and tell him its a emergency"

"Sir whats the emergency?! Im very sure I can help. just tell me"

I ignored his question.

"Also I need you to pick Dustin up and bring him here"

"Sir wha-"

"and please bring a blanket and towel. that would be all. Call me after you pick up Dustin"


I hung up the phone before he could start nagging. I sat down beside the cat and pet the neko under its chin hoping for a response. The neko purred and tried to lean into my touch but it winced when it moved its back. The mother that had been mad at me for not helping the neko was now walking away to with probably her child.

Why am I even trying to help?...I'm like the human version of the grinch who pretty much hates almost everyone but here I am helping a neko.




Why did you tell me to come to the park today?

(Please spare me, I wrote this in 2014, I know it's crappy but it was my hobby for a bit)
IM SO HAPPY IM WRITING A NEKO boyxboy BOOK!!! I hope you liked the chapter because im having fun writing this book. Well see you in the next chapter...I hope

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