;) Answers

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(Not edited)

@xMinixTissuesx57 (all questions)

To: Erik & Emilia, could you two trap Alex & Joseph in a room for me?

Erik yawned "such a easy task you could do better" Emilia flicked his head "we will make sure to please your wish"
"So why are we doing this" asked Joseph and Alex had questioned as well. "Ah it's...FOR SCHOOL yup school" Emilia smirked and quickly pushed them into Joseph's room and locked it. Erik just sighed probably questioning what he's doing with his life.

A two hours later~
"They've been quite for a pretty long time...I'm kinda worried" Emilia started passing back and forth. "Then go check on them" Erik waved his hand at her shooing her away.

Emilia opens there room door expecting something to pop out. She here's a loud growl and pounces back. "Nope nope nope, that's not normal" Emilia panics but leaves the door open and run to her room.

The growl: SNORING, they ended up just taking a nap together XD

To Alex: could you hug Joseph as long as you can & give me the results?

"gladly" Alex smirks (Dustin smirks in the background as well)

Alex and Dustin crawl around the room stalking Joseph. "He's on the couch" Dustin whispers "Time to go".

Alex pounces on Joseph on the couch. Joseph lets out a loud breath. "What was that?!" Joseph growls out. "I AM STAR FISH I CLING ON TO JOSEPH" Alex yells blushing deeply.

"Uhhhhh is there a reason for this?" Joseph looks up at Dustin who is just watching from the side lines. "...your soo warm..." Alex nuzzles his head next to Joseph's face.

Position: Joseph laying down flat and Alex on top of him with his head on his shoulder (THE PIC <3) they end up taking a nap together making the hug about two hours long.

To Joseph: I dare you to spend an entire day without getting angry at Alex if he doesn't go with any of your rules.

"Mmm well I usually don't get angry at all at Alex because of his past...also I have a small amount of rules so this won't be to hard" Joseph shrugs and sits on the couch. He turns on the tv and Alex walks into the room wearing a maids outfit. I pause and stare at him up and down...dam.

(Half a hour before this)

To Alex: I dare you to spend an entire day following Joseph EVERYWHERE wearing a maid outfit with cute pig tails.

"Haha the jokes on you honey I don't have a maid outfit and my hairs too short for pig tails" Alex smirks as he knows he's won this dare.

"DID I JUST HEAR MAID OUTFIT BECAUSE GURL DID I COME PREPARED AND YOU KNOW WHAT LOOKS HELLA SEXY WITH A MAID OUTFIT...CAT EARS!" Alex looks at Dustin who had over heard the dare with a surprised expression. Dustin smirks and runs out of the room and comes back with the maid outfit in hand.

"Oh hell no! No no no no Dustin please" Alex begs and squirms around as Dustin tries to take off Alex's shirt. "JUST DO IT LIKE NIKE SAYS" Alex laughed but still squirmed.

"wow does the outfit give you a nice ass" Dustin winked at me and pushed me into the living room.

I feel Joseph's eyes look at my pretty much exposed body up and down. With only one response "dam" Joseph blushed and looked away. "Alex why are you wearing a maid costume?"

I wiggle a little feeling slightly self conscious. "Uh it's for you..." He looks back at me and gives me a look the last time I saw those glint in his eyes we were at the hotel. When he had me pinned to a wall so close to kissing me...

"Come here" he said as he grabbed my hand. We headed to his his room and I felt like I knew what was going to happen. Immediately as we entered he pulled me in for a light kiss and locked the door. This close to each other I felt intoxicated with his scent. He kissed me again lightly but licked my lower lip slowly asking for entrance. I was definitely scared...but this was too good to stop. But I knew I couldn't go far.

I pushed him back before I could let him have his way. "Only making out...ok?" I looked down at the floor probably blushing furiously. Joseph hugged me and then without warning pushed me against the door and gave me a more forceful kiss. This time there was no need for asking. I purred into the deep kiss, that's when I felt Joseph move away from me. "Uh let's stop here...I don't know if I'd be able to hold back after that"


Wooo yeah I finished this. Lol so Um this is about as long or even longer then my filler chapters so yeah it even had a small hot spot, BE THANKFUL (just saying). Haha so to the one person who asked the questions THANK YOU SO MUCH it was really fun to do something different then usual :)

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