Chapter six

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"Hey mom, it's me."
"Alexia where are you?"
"Don't try to trace me mom, I'm calling from a payphone in a city that is miles away from where I am staying."
"Lexie, I am begging you to come home, I love you and I miss you and we have to talk about this."
"No mom! You see, people like me. They like my music and my voice."
"Of course they do but you're too young you're-"
"What? Only sixteen? And how old were you mama?"
"Or are you actually believing that I am fourteen? And have braces? Please, no onz will find me you know that. The pictures you've send to the police are pics with me when I had braces and when I straightened my hair."
"Alexia, you have no idea what would happen when Harry found out. Or worse, when the world found out."
"Tell me mom.", I begged.
"They'd take you away from me, they'd  follow you around and... And I would have to see him."
"Why do you hate my father so much mom?"
"Because he is a coward, and a Swift girl doesn't waiste her times on cowards."
"Fair enough. Come to the Hilton in Nashville tonight. There will be a girl with long dark hair in the bar. She'll have an enveloppe, there will be a letter in it. One where I express how I feel. I love you.", I hung up.
"That was badass.", Colette said.
I gave her a weak smile and inhaled strongly. "I miss her you know, not that I'd ever tell her that."
She took my hand and guided me towards the Hilton hotel of Nashville, where we were staying for one night. "Sure she'll regonize me?", Colette asked.
"I don't know, but we'll take the shot right."
"Right.", she smiled and I smiled back. Colette and I had become fast friends in these last couple of days. She had a character, hard to describe, she seemed always happy but there was a haunted look in her eyes what made me wonder how many of this was real to her.
"Band aids don't fix bullet holes"
My head jerked up at that. "What did you just say?" She inhaled strongly: "Somethingy mother used to say a lot when I was five. She wanted me to be kind, never do bad stuff to people, never give them a reason to hate you. It's actually the truth you know... Like... Whatever you do, whatever you say. Nothing can heal it."
I was dumbfounded. "You know that Taylor Swift actually wrote that line in a song called Bad Blood."
She shook her head: "I had no idea." Realisation hit us. "Wait," she said, "but if this is made by Taylor Swift and my mom knows it than my mom knows Taylor Swift songs. So than she... She had a reason to keep me away from it." I stopped walking. "I have tell you something." Colette looked at me, her eyes looked so confused. She was trying to understand things. "My mother is Taylor Swift... I... I ran away. I wanted to be alone you know! Discover who I am without being locked away. I hope you don't see me different and I know it's hard to understand but-"
"Oh I understand it perfectly.", she interrupted me. I watched her dumbfounded. "Really?"
"Yeah. It's cristal clear actually."
"But... How?"
"Well see, I am Katy Perry her daughter."
That was unexpected.
We stared at eachother dumbfounded.
What. Had. Just. Happened.
"B-b-but... Why would our moms keep us away from eachother's music?", I said soflty. "I don't know.", said Colette, it was more like she breathed the words. After a few seconds she took my hand. "Let's go the hotel, you gotta give that enveloppe to just another celebrity." I smiled.
"Tell me, why aren't you home?" Colette her eyes shot a look at me and then back at the road in fron of us. We crossed the busy road and she waved at the driver who let us cross over. "My mom and I got into a fight. She wants me to write and sing but I don't want to sing. I wanna seek talent and write tem into our record label." I held my breath and asked as casually as possible: "What's talent for you?"
She smiled as she guided me intothe hotel. "Someone has talent when they are brave enough to pick up a guitar and start playing at a fontain in LA and when everyone stops and watches." My cheeks turned red. "Like you didn't know you had talent.", Colette laughed.

I shot another glance at my friend who was sitting on a bar curch. She was drinking a Shirley Temple and was writing in a little notebook. The enveloppe was laying on the bar counter right beside her Mocktail. I was scared to death she'd spill the sweet substance on my letter. "Come on...", I whispered. I was sitting in a couch of the Hotel's lounge. I could oversee the bar but Colette couldn't see me... If I believed her cryptic texts.
Eagle can't spot traject.
Is that me?
Eagles don't eat friends.
Okaaay... Can the eagle see her friend?
Eagle sees everything.
What! I gotta hide somewhere else than!
NO! Eagle thinks that's good hiding place. Eagle can't spot you.
Eagle sees traject!
I turned my head to the other side of the bar and saw a tall blonde woman walking in. She was wearing a sweatshirt with xoxo on it and a pair of skinny jeans. For a moment I forgot to breath my mother's blue eyes were gorgous as always, but underneath the blue puddles there was red skin ans dark circles. I bit my lip. You're living your life now. Your mom knows it. Just breathe and pick up that damned book. Right. The book. Hiding my face.
With my green eyes I observed every little detail.
My mother walked to Colette. When she was only three steps away from her she stirred. Colette was shifting awkwardly on her curch. My mother said something. Colette said something. My friend grabbed the enveloppe and reached out to my mother. My mother hesitated before grabbing it. But right before she pulled her arm away she saw something. Something that made look more afraid than ever. She covered her mouth with her hand and stambled back. Colette watched at her own hand, still hanging in the air, her eyes went wide and she quickly covered her wrist with her own sweater. My mother looked around in panic. She's searching me. My mom couldn't spot me so she took out her phone and was snapping some things to Colette. My friend her eyes went big and my phone rang woth a text message.
Alexia. You trust the wrong people.
Why mom?
You don't wanna dig up what's covered with dirt.
I blinked a few times. What did she mean?
"What the hell is wrong with your mom?"
"Why did freak out."
"Because of my wrist tattoo, I guess." She showed me her wrist. 10-23-13
"What do they mean? 23rd of october 2013?"
She nodded: "My date of birth."
"Why would my mom freak out?"
"I don't know. But she sturred when she saw me."
"Yeah I noticed that! Like she reckonigzed you."
"Which is insane of course..."
"Unless she reckonigzed your mother in you."
"Oh my god. And then she saw my date of birth..."
"... And she knew you were Katy Perry's daughter!"
"But why'd be that so bad?"
We both didn't know.
"Maybe it's time to dig up some old gossip stuff."
"2013, 2014, 2015?"
"Yeah... And probably also 2012."

Hey guys!
What do you think our two little celebrity children will find? And what would be the big secret alexia may not dig up?
Will she make it now she's got all this drama in her life?
Let's find out shall we ;) but comment with your own thoughts!

Swift's Daughter [COMPLETED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora