Chapter eleven

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I woke up late, after a glance on my phone I knew I had to get out off my bed and take a shower.
I didn't even want to look into the mirror and see my curls!
When I was ready I walked downstairs. My mom greeted me and gave me pancakes.
It all looked like an ordinary morning.
"Alexia! They're talking about you!", my dad yelled from the living room. I looked confused at my mom and we both hurried to my dad.
"Look!", he said and pointed at te screen.
"Swift and Alwyn's daughter interrupted the Grammy's last night, it was probably the most iconic deed that ever happened that night."
The televisionscreen showed a clip of me talking.
"Why did you do this?"
"Getting a record label is hard, and people often choose the wrong artists, singers who actually can't sing. I wanted to show people that real talent is often not very far away. Look, not everyone has the opportunity to walk into a record label and say hey, listen to my demo. People don't want me cause they don't want another Taylor Swift. But my voice is so much different than my mother's. I had a chance and I took it. End of the story."
My mom and dad applauded. "I'm so proud of you Alexia.", my mother smiled.
"Harry Styles, the one who is the original singer of the song does he know, that Alexia and Silias performed yesterday, has something to say."
My eyes locked to the screen.
A brown curly headed guy appeared on the screen.
"I didn't know this girl, I mean I know Taylor had a daughter called Alexia, which is by the way a beautiful name."
My mom didn't freeze or anything, she just watched the screen like a normal person.
"So like I said, I didn't know her but man that girl can sing! It's good to know the world still has some talent. Her parents are probably very proud."
"Would you be proud?"
"If she was my daughter I'd be the proudest dad in the world."
5 seconds.
5 seconds of pure silence. Then I started screaming and yelling and jumping up and down.
My mom rolle her eyes: "Seriously, he's not worth your time."
I hugged her an ran upstairs.

I looked up from my guitar strings when I heard my text tone ringing. It was Silias.
Check hollywoodlife now.
I puty guitar down and opened up my laptop, worried about the text. Had someone given negative response to our performance? When my laptop had loaded the site my mouth dropped.
Timberlake + Alwyn = love
No. Way.
I ignored the message and scrolled through the article. Lines and lines about how we were in love and how everyone kned since our little performance. There were pictures of Silias and me whispering and standing close.
I was surprised by my cellphone ringing. I pickep up:
"Hello, Alexia speaking."
"Lex! Have you seen the headline!"
"Yeah! What is this..."
"I don't know but it's gettig worse..."
"My agent says he want you to be my girlfriend for a few weeks."
"WHAT! That's insane?"
"Well you don't have to overreact it like that, a lot of girls would love to date me."
"I know but it's just I've seen you in diapers."
"Right. Forgot that for a second."
"What are we gonna do now?"
"I got something, meet me tommorrow at GMA."
"Good morning America?!!!"
"Yeah, bye."
"But Silias wait,..", too kate he already had hung up the phone.

Three hours later my mom and I were on our way to New York. Silias had texted me the plan, we were going to pretend we were a couple but we'll be so sarcastic that everyone will know we're playing it.
When landed at the airport I learned to know te paparazzi.
Not so much fun.
"Alexia! You and Silias? Alexia how are you? Alexia do you have a record deal already? Alexia! Alexia please look at me."
Then finally, when I thought it was over we bumped into someone. I didn't recover fast enough to realise why my mother squeezed my hand. But when I heard the British accent and looked up I knew why.
Harry Styles was standing right in front of me.
"Hey love. Long time no see."
My mither smiled politelt and nodded. The man turned his gaze at me: "You must be the pretty daughter." I couldn't bring out a word. My father chuckled: "She's adorable Taylor. And I love her eye color." My mom rolled her eyes: "Still full of love for yourself Styles?"
He blinked at us: "I'm still a man, right?"
"What do you think of me?", I blurted out. I took him of guard and my mom actually had to laugh! "Well Styles, I can't remember that look on your face. It must have been a while you didn't know what to say or do." Harry nodded slowly: "I really like you, love, I really do."
My cheeks turned red and when love you mom had bid him goodbye I almost yelled: "HE LIKES ME!"
"Sweetie... He really really isn't-"
"Worth my time yeah mom I know."


"How long have you been togheter?"
"Ow, for like forever right cutiepie?", Sinias said taking my hand.
"Indeed Sweetheart.", I replied giving him a sugar sweet smile.
"Alexia, what do you like the most about Silias?"
"The way he pulks is nose, although he stopped doing that when he was ten."
"Silias, when did you gall in love with Alexia?"
"Definitely when she wore a pink diaper at the age of 3."
I almost bursted out in laughter. Almost.
"Don you guys think it's a problem your parents are friends?"
I put on a schocked face:
"Don't you get it? Our love can beat everything!"
Silias bit his lip, probably trying not to laugh with my over dramatic act.
"Guys can you kiss eachother for a picture?"
Silias and I screamed in unison: "EW NO WAY!"
I think that that and the look on our faces from disgust, had made clear thy we were not a couple. The press wasn't so happy but the presentator from GMA thought it was hilarious.


Right before the plan back home took off I got a call. I answered the phone and it were the best five minutes of my life. After having a long talk with my mom we had a conclusion.
I was going to have a record deal!
Recording sessions started next week, I was living a fairytale.
No, I realised it was my very own life.

The beginning of a very dramatic story!
What about being famous?
What about meeting your dad?
What about meeting his wife?
What about meeting his insanely hot stephson?
Love y'all

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