Chapter Twenty-three

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"Hey, Alexia, can I come in?", a soft male voice asked me, pushing my bedroom door open.
"Whatever.", I replied softly.
The guy took a seat on the edge of my bed, I laid with my back to him, my curls spread over the white pillow.
"What's wrong Lexi? You know you can tell me." I didn't reply on that, it was too hard holding back the tears. Silias leaned over me and brushed my hair away, he pushed softly against my schoulder so I laid on my back. "Jesus, Alexia what happened?" He had probably seen my bloodshot eyes, all swollen from crying. I pushed myself up, sitting next to my friend it had to come out, I had to spill. "I love him.", I cried. Silias was side hugging me, his arm wrapped around my shoulders. "Who sweetie?", I could hear a dangerous tone in his voice. "Styles.", I sniffled, "Mathias Styles."
Silias got up and took my phone. My alarm bells started to ring: "What are you doing?"
"If that douchebag made you cry it's my responsibility to call him and say he's a fucking asshole."
"But it's not... Wait Silias! Let me tell you the whole story."
And so I did. I told him about me being blind, about Stephen and about the Styles secret.
When I was done my friend looked at me like I was from another planet. "Are you freaking serious?"
"You're... A styles?"
I sighed: "Yeah..."
He rubbed my back and kissed my head softly. "It's allright darling." I leaned against his chest and sniffled. My mom entered the room, she hadn't needed any explanation. She had known what was going on the moment she had picked me up from the airport. My mother, as a professional lyricist, knew enough about heartbreaks to reckonigze one.
She had cookies with her: "Hey Silias, I've got some things for you guys. Lexi you really need to shower. Will ya say hello to your dad from me Silias?"
"Yes Ms Swift.", he replied politely.
I nudged him: "Please call her Taylor."
"Yeah, otherwise I feel so old.", she chuckled. It had been three days since my departure, and I hadn't heard anything from Math yet. Why?
My songs were dark, I noticed Silias reading them and he frowned.
"And our eyes meet, desperate regret. I feel the burning heat, words are said. Pouring rain, soaking wet. Nothing is the same, feel your breath.
Lightning flashes, tears are shed.
Blinking eyelashes, we forget. Magic touch, our lips met. It's too much but I am glad. Seriously Lexi? This is so depressing."
"You better leave, Sil."
"What? Why?"
"Cause I gonna shower and I don't want guys in my room when I am naked." I said pushing him away. "Like there's anything I haven't seen yet, I've seen you naked a hundreth times when you were ten remember?"
"Yeah, well I've grown boobs since then."
"No way! Where?"
I laughed: "Get out!"


"You seem different Ms Alwyn."
"I wonder how that comes.", I mumbled. "A lot can happen in six months.", I replied instead.
"Anyway, the song you and Mr Styles have written is outstanding.", he complimented.
"You did expect the best, that's what you get.", I replied, my hands in my lap.
"You gotta write another song.", my producer told me. I almost groaned, was I a singer at this company or a songwriter?
"A duet this time, again for the young Styles and for Liliana."
My eyes narrowed: "Ariana Grande's cousin isn't it?"
"Yes exactly."
"Great.", I said saracastically. My producer ignored it, probably thinking we were in a stupid girlsfight. How could he ever suspect the truth? That I was head over heels for the young Styles and that I was afraid he'd leave me be when he saw the hot Liliana.
"I will start immediately sir but can we please continue with recording my album?", I almost begged.
"Yes of course. Go and sing and play those instruments. But don't forget to write that song Alexia. You have talent. Real talent. Now go."
I nodded and left the room. What would he mean with real talent? Whatever, I was heading to a recording room when I bumped into a black headed girl. "Watch out loser!", she yelled. When she looked up we started laughing. "Colette I missed you!", I screamed and hugged her. "I missed you too Lex!"
"Wanna come recording with me?"
"Yeah sure!"
We were talking about everything that had happened in her life. "My mom is acting so weird lately! Like she calls Harry Styles all the time. I didn't even know she knew him! And my dad doesn't like it so they have these daily fights..."
"That's weird.", I replied.
"I know right! And she just keeps saying to me how I should take the space to grow and sing and play... Blah blah blah."
Suddenly an idea popped up into my head. "Hey, wanna do a duet with me?"
She thought about it: "Yeah I mean, why not..."
"This could work... I could sing about my vision on love and you bout yours."
"That's amazing!"

"I told you he'd pay for that bet."
My phone buzzed and I froze as I saw his name appear on my screen.
"Math... What u mean?"
"Stephen has got a little problem with soccer."
"He's kicked out of the team."
"I know, you're welcome princess"
"When will I see u again?"
"i'll play a match in America at the end if the week. In Nashville I guess. And we're on summer break so I can stay a little longer."
"Omg... I can't wait. I'll be there promise."
"I still love you princess."
"I still love you too..."
My heart was racing, this couldn't be happening. I screamed and jumped around my room. I grabbed my guitar and played love story while dancing around.
I loved him.

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