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Ice. It hurt her, but she had her mind set on this one thing, saving Isaac. And she was going let anyone else die, not like she had seen all her life or like she had done before, she wanted to be like Allison. She wanted to be brave.

"Isaac, relax." Her soft voice sounded through the room, "Listen to me, relax, you are not alone." He was calming down, the werewolfs slowly started to let go of him and Deaton calmed down seeing that what the girl was going was working, "There you go. Don't worry. It's not real, I'm here." She whispered to him, grabbing both of his hands.

"Okay, you are okay, Isaac." She told him and herself, "Now, what do you see. I'm with you but I need you to guide me, what do you see." She asked him slowly everyone a little stuned by how she got him so calm, "I- I- We, we are climbing stairs, I were hidding from them, they were coming to get us." She squized his hand knowing that he was getting scared again, "We hear him." Isaac blue eyes open, "He is talking about the full moon, about being out of control when the moon rises."

"Who is he telling this? Is it Erica?" Stella asked, Erica being the only name she actually remembered at the moment, "I don't know, I can't see her." He said to them, "They're worried. About what they would do during the moon." He kepted going, "They are worried that they are going to hurt each other during the moon."

"Isaac, we need to find them right now. Can you see them?" Deaton spoke in a serious tone, upsetting Stella because that would cause him stress and because she was the one talking, "No, no." Isaac still answered, "Do you know what kind of room it is? Some kind of identifiction?" Deaton started to shoot many questions, too many question.

Isaac hands started to squize Stella's, "Slow down with the questions." She told to Deaton trying to keep the boy calm, but he decided to ignore her, "A mark? A number on a door? A sign?" Stella felt Isaac claws on her wrists, and she knew he was about to slip, "Isaac. Calm down, I'm here." She whispered.

With fast movements, Isaac pulled Stella down, making her full body covered in ice and shivering, unlike them she wouldn't heal, she would have burns from the ice for weeks. The pain was intence, maybe even too much for her to handle. But she couldn't seem weak near anybody, so she bit the inside of her cheek and stopped herself for yelling, "They're here." Isaac spoke.

"They're here, they found me. No! No!" Isaac began to yell, "This isn't working!" Derek yelled making the boy panic even more, at this moment Stella regreted not staying at the door, because if she was at the door maybe she could have shot at the window again and calm everyone down, "Where are they!" Derek yelled at him, "I don't know!!" Isaac yelled back pulling back Stella to the water, at this point his claws were inside the skin in her wrist, blood driping out.

The motion of the iced water cleaned it way though, so until now no one had notice, her whole body was freazing, she could feel her feet, her legs, her waist, her hands. Her cloth were so wet that had spred over all her body, making it worse. Not even talking about her hair equally wet and cold.

"Tell me were you are!" Derek yelled at him, "I can't see!" Isaac continued saying while Deaton voice spoke, "You are confusing him." At this time the light was already gone, and you could only hear the screams.

Stella herself started to panic, "Guys." She squealed in pain, but it came out like a whisper. Her heart started to race, she was no longer shaking from the cold, but also from fear. It was rare the moments that she was afraid, so far that had only happen three times.

The first when she was born, afraid she would get killed because she was an broken rule, the second when she killed her first werewolf while the man pleased for mercy and the thierd when she saw her parents get killed, two weeks ago, and she wasn't able to do anything but run away.

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