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Pain was still running through Stella's body was she arrived with Lydia and Allison at school, "I can't drive you home today." Allison told Stella, and Lydia while we walked to the school, the cousin sigh "Yeah, I really need to get my license back." after that sentence she felt a tap on her shoulder, she looked to see Alli looking at her, "What?" The girl asked rudly, Stella Argent wasn't the morning type, and more of a night girl.

"Scott and Stiles are over there." She informed the girl and nod, "Yeah, and?" She asked unsure why would Allison tell her that, "You should be with them." She said making Stella groan, "No, why are you forcing me? I would rather be with the girls." She said nicely, too nicely.

Allison chuckled, titling her head, "Nice try Argent. You hate being with other girls." She stated, "Go, now." She ordered, Stella leaving, "OKAY! BUT I'M NOT A DOG TO ORDER ME AROUND ALLISON!" She yelled getting more distant of the girls and more close with the werewolf and the pale boy.

"- and we don't get started until dark." Scott said, and Stella assumed it was about the bank, "Okay. Where do we meet?" She asked them, before Scott could answer her the place, Stiles spoke, "WHAT?! OH, No. You are not comin-" Stiles was about to whine, but Scott interruped him by scoffing, "Hum, Stiles. Remember the talk. This morning." He said making the girl frown.

Stiles sighed, "Yeah." He bit his lip annoyed, like he was having an inter battle, "We actually might need someone, with, hum, your abilities." He said making her smirk, "Of course you do." She looked back at the werewolf, "So, were do we meet?" Scott gave her a smile, "Derek's place, I can take you there if you don't mind being in a motor cycle."

She smiled at the boy, "That's actually pretty cool, it gaves me a badass look. More than I already have." The three started walking, "More scary than badass." Stiles mumbled gaining a look from the girl, "Its to scare the stupid guys away." She answered back.

Stella decided to, at least, try and be more nice to Stiles, but there was some things she couldn't just hold it in, "So what are we going until then?" Stiles asked his best friends, "Well, now we have english."

Stella rolled her eyes, "I was actually thinking about bailing that class, so. Bye!" She was about to walk away but Scott grabed her arm, "Let's go Stella. I thought I weren't afraid of anything."

She raised her eyebrows, "And I'm not. I just hate being bored." She stated, but still got draged inside the classroom.


It was already night time, Stella had sneak out of her uncle's house to avoid questions and her lying, she hiden her hand into her black hoodie, waiting for Scott to apear.

At the distance she notice a light, she started walking towards noticing it was Scott, he took off his helmet after stoping his motor cycle, "Hey." Stella greated him in a short and fast way, "Hey, ready to go?" The girl nod taking her seat behind the boy.

He chuckled, "You might want to hold on." He told her, she did what was told, "Let's go." She said and Scott started, heading over to Derek's place.

Stella felt a little awkward being all alone with Scott, knowing that he was a werewolf and her cousin's ex-boyfriend, she chuckled thinking that she would have more to talk about with Stiles than Scott, even if it was just arguing.

She jumped out of her seat after Scott stopped, looking around "Stiles isn't here yet." He pointed out and Stella rolled her eyes, "I've noticed Scott." The boy looked at her curious about what ws she thinking, "You know, " He started gaining Stella's attention, "-Stiles, he is just a very suspicious person. He is really cool, a little annoying, but really cool when you get to know him."

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