13 | truth

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Cold brize passed trough some small pieces of hair of our hunter, the night was darker and it seemed mysterious. Its was silence even though you could still hear the school bus behind them, and ahead it was the motel where they would be spending the night. Motel Glen Capri.

Stella stopped her tracks between Scott and her cousin, looking at the lights of the building in front of her, something about that place gave her chills, something was off about that place, and she wasn't the only one to think that way, everyone around her was with either a disgusted face our a scary one, "I've seen worse." Scott stated, probably to his best friends, Stella simply turned his face to him, with a look, "Where have you seen worse?" Stiles question him, "Yeah, Scott, it looks like people have been murder here." Stella said before the Coach blowed the whistle gathering everyone.

"Listen up." He started, "The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely." He explain raising the room keys on his hand, while every pair went to get theirs, Stella was now making the math of the pairs, and every solution left her without a pair, she smirked meaning that she would have a room only for herself, "And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!" Coach yelled while the brunette grabbed her key.

Stella walk back to Allison and Lydia, that had stopped walking, "I don't like this place." Lydia said looking at the motel, "I don't think that even the owners liked this place," Allison chuckled, "Come on, its just one night." She said and Lydia looked at both girls, "A lot can happen in one night." Stella sigh after a few seconds of a creppy silence, going after Lydia and pushing her in, "Snap out of it, you are starting to seem like that girl in the Ring."

"She was nothing to do with-" Allison started, "Shut up, you know I don't watch horror movies." She said back, while the three girls walked to their rooms by herselfs, "Well, that's yours, I'll go my room-" Stella said leaving her two friends, "What about your pair?" Allie asked a bit concern, "Ha, my with a pair, please Al, you know me better than that." She raised her key, "I have a room to myself." Allison chuckled, "Okay, just be careful."

Stella rolled her dark brown eyes, "When am I not?" She said leaving to her room, "Room 213." She whispered looking at the small key room, she stopped at the door and started opening the door, "How's that?" She heard for the other side.

Stella frowned, having her free hand grab a knife under her shirt, she opened the door and saw Scott and Stiles, "What are you doing here?" The pale boy asked clearly confused, "What are you two doing here?" She asked back.

The three looked at each other, "Looks, guys. My key says room 213, so-" Stella started, and Stiles grabbed their key, "Ours too. See? 2, 1, 3." Stella laid her head against the wall, "You have got to be kidding me." She mumbled under her breath.

"Maybe this is a three person bedroom," Scott said, taking notice that there is one single bed and a double one, Stella looked at the bed and at the boys, "Eh, whatever." She mumbled sitting on the single bed.

"Hey! Why do you get the single bed? Why does she get the sin-" Stiles looked at her and at Scott, "What? Do you want me to sleep with you Stilinski?" She asked leaving an awkward silence, "Though so, also, I think you don't want me to sleep with a werewolf." Scott looked at Stiles who was now laying on the double bed next to him.

"Alright." Stiles started after a while, "So I have five." He said making both Scott and Stella look at him, "Five suspects?" She asked, and he nod, "Yeah, it was originally ten. Well, nine technically, I guess. I had Derek on there twice." Stella raised her eyebrow, "Derek doesn't seem like the type of guy to be doing sacrifices." She stated, "That's why I took him out."

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