15 | purple dust

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Wind went against her face as she ran was fast as a human could, she knew deep inside her that something was wrong, that something was about to happen with Scott, it was like her subconscious was talking to her, sort of like Lydia when subconsciously she finds a body, or knows and hears things.

Stella passed near the school bus where she saw a red, like blood, flare. Knowing that it was something not good, she decided to ran towards it, and her steps started to slow down as soon was she saw Scott soaking in gasoline with the flare in his hand, "Oh my god." She wishpered under her breath, "GUYS!" She yelled for her friends, "Scott?" She looked at him, trying to call for him, the real him.

She took a step in to gasoline to try and snatch the flare, "Scott? Stella?" She turn around, putting her last feet inside as well, "I don't know what's happening, guys." She looked at then with tears, "Scott? Scott?" Allison started to get closer and that's when she notice that Stella was as well inside the gasoline puddle, "Oh my god." Her hand when to her mouth.

Stella started to freaking out more when she saw her friends face's noticing their two friends and how in danger they were, "I was trying to snatch it." She mumble, "Okay, Stella." Stiles called her, "Calm down." She nod and looked over at Scott that started speaking, "There's no hope." He said.

"No." Stella made them look at her, "There's always hope, you taught me that. You taught us that." The girl in tears of fear and sadness said, "No, not this time. Not for me. Not for Derek."

Stella walking inside the puddle, trying to get the flare out of his hands, "You don't know that, Derek might be alive." She said and everyone looked at her, "What." Stiles mumbled, "There was no body there Scott. A body can't just vanish like that." She stated, "Yeah, Scott. And this is not your fault." Allison said.

"Everytime I try to fight back, it just gets worse. People die." Scott said, and Stiles got closer, "Scott, listen to me. This isn't you, right? This is someone inside your head telling you to do this. Okay? Now-" He said almost inside de puddle as well, "What if it isn't? What if it is just me? What if doing this is actually the best thing that I could do for everyone else? It all started that night, the night I got bitten. You remember the way it was before that? You and me, we were... we were... we were nothing. We weren't popular. We weren't good at lacrosse. We weren't important. We were no one. Maybe I should just be no one again. No one at all. " Scott said back, looking at them, and raising the flare, he looked at Stella.

"Get out, I don't want to hurt anybody else." He ordered her, but she stayed put, "No." She looked at him in the eyes, "I only met you a few months ago, but I promised someone and myself that I would protect you. That I would protect your pack. Your friends, my friends." She said, "So no. If you are going to do this, you will have to take me out with you. I'm not leaving anymore. I'm not going to shut myself any longer. So no Scott, I won't get out." She stated firmly, making a small cry leaving Allison's body, that was not only seeing her first love trying to die, but also her family as well.

"See Scott, you are not no one. Your are someone. You are someone to everyone here. You- You are my best friend Scott," Stiles said entering the puddle ready to go with him or to stop him, "You are my brother Scott," He said getting closer, Scott's eyes in Stiles, "Alright so, we are going to do this." He grabbed the flare, right next to Stella, "Then you just got to take me with you as well."

Stiles took of the flare and trow it to the back, Stella took a deep breath looking between Scott and Stiles that were looking at each other, her eyes went back to the flare, just like Lydia were as well, the red light was about to enter the puddle, "NOO!!" Lydia screamed and in a matter of seconds Stella jumpped against the two friends, pushing them out of the way, Stiles pulled her in a little bit closer, as it all went up in flames, Stella, that was holding Stiles like if it was her life, looked at her feet, that were only a few feet away of being burned as well.

Lydia and Allison had jumped also and were all looking at the fire, Stella looked at Stiles, and then at the rest of her friends, she sigh laying on the ground looking at the sky, "Oh my god." She laugh, she was happy, they were all good, all okay.

x x x

"I don't wanna know! I really don't want to know!" The strong and annoying voice started to awake Stella sences, she felt a strong arm around and her head on top of a chest, she frowned and her eyes opened to see Stiles next to her. She started to sit up and saw all of her friends waking up by the Coach entering the bus, where the had spend the night, "The meet's cancellend so we are going back home!" He yelled, "Let's go!"

She rubbed her eyes and layed against the window as everyone got inside, something in her made her happy, she wasn't sure what, at least not yet.

But fast she went on protecting, ready to kill mode, as Ethan got closer and sit next to Scott, that looked at them with a confused face, "I don't know what happen last night." He started.

"But I'm pretty sure, you saved my life," Ethan said looking at him, Stiles got closer to the two, "Actually I saved your life. Not that it matters." He said making a small smile grow in Stella lips, "It was just a minor detail." He conclued laying back.

Ethan sigh, rolling his eyes, and turning back to Scott, "So, I'm going to give you something." He said, "We are pretty sure that Derek's still alive." Stella could feel Stiles eyes on her, he had heard last night when she told them about Derek's body and him being alive, and apparently she was correct, hearing those words made her smile a bit, there was something about Derek that made her feel protect of some sort.

"But, he still killed one of ours, that mean one of two things can happen, "Ethan continued slowly, "Either he joins our pack," Scott looked at him with a serious face, "Where he kill's his own." Stella looked down knowing that that wouldn't happen, "Or we go after him. And we kill him." Ethan finished getting out of the sit, "That's the way it works." He said and went to sit next to Danny again.

Stiles got up and went to sit next to Scott, while Stella's eye were on Coach and the stain on his white polo, a purple stain that came from the whistle. Wolfsbane, someone put wolfsbane on the whistle.

Stella started to geup, "Hey Coach! Let me just see this for a sec." She said really quickly taking off the whistle out of his neck, "OH, hey. I'm gonna need that back." He said and went to talk to Ethan, Stella looked at the black whistle, examining it. She sit down in front of Stiles and Scott that were looking at her wondering what was she doing.

She took the whistle to her mouth, covering with her hand where the sound left, felling some dust inher hand, she separeted and looked at it, show their friends, "Wolfsbane. Some on put it in the-" Stiles got up before she could finish the sentece and trow the whistle trhough the small bus window, "HEY STILINSKI!" Coach yelled at him, "Sorry Coach!" He said back making Coach walk away, leaving us to talking again, "So, everytime he would blow it,"

"Isaac, Scott, Boyd and Ethan would inhale it," Stiles conclued, "That's how he did it, that's how the Darach did it." Stella nod hearing his explination, but started to feel a warm sensation on her hand, she looked at the purple dust, she frowned at it, it was burning her, she shook off the purple and looked at the small burn that it had left in her, she passed a finguer and felt how sensitive it had left her skin. The wolfbane burned her.

Her mind was beyond confused by this point, but would explained what had happen yesterday, why she was aftected just like the werewolfs, just like them she had inhaled it, that why she was also about to kill herself, but why? Why would wolfsbane affect her? It never had before. And she was never bitten or hurt by a werewolf that badly, she had never had sintoms of becoming a supernatural creature. She was human.

Stella closed her hand to forget the strange moment and stop thinking about it, so like if nothing had happened she looked at Lydia and Scott and moved on.

The thing was, Stella might not have notice it, but her cousin was always with an eye on her, specially since what Ms. Morrell had told her, of how they wanted her too, and even though she didn't want to face it, Allison was starting to put the pieces together.

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