11 | field trips

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Grey sky was ripped in to half with the lightning bold, they had always fascinated Stella for some reason, the way they could destroy everything but yet seem so beautiful and appealing from far, to some people that could be the defination of Stella Argent, beautiful but only by far, and the only thing she could do was killing.

Her head was leaned on the window, she quitly watched the cars droving by and the trees passing by, she was exausted, her body hurt and full of injuries that she refused to take care of, including one that was probably still bleeding, in her mind that was nothing. She deserved more, she was supposed to be there to help, but instead she failed and he was now gone because of it.

"Stop thinking about it." Isaac's voice interrupted her various thoughts of that day, "I'm not." She simply said, Stella and Isaac had become closer after the events that happened between her and Stiles, she came to realise that Isaac was pretty great and not as hard to put up with, "Yes, you are. Its all over your face." She looked at Isaac, "I'm not. Why would I? I only meet him like, what, two months ago? Besides, there's nothing we can do about it." She told him, making Isaac turn his head to Ethan.

Stella turned her head again to the view, if she hadn't been so hunged up in what had happen between her in Stiles maybe he would still be here, "Incongruous." The voice behind them belong to the human that had been on Stella's brain this past hours, she didn't seem to let go every word he had said to her, "Can you use it in a sentence?" Scott asked, his voice as bad as Stella's.

"Yes, I can, it's completly imcongruous that we are sitting on a bus, to go to some stupid cross country meet, after what just happen." Stiles said trying to get a peak at the girl leaning on the window next to one of the persons he dislikes the most, "Out of place, Absurd."

"Okay, next word." He moved on, "Darach." Stella bit her lip at the sound of the so powerful word, "Its a noun..." Stiles continued trying to get his best friend to say something about it, Scott seemed the teenager a look and when back to watching the view in the same position Stella was, "Come on! We have to talk about it some time, and why not about now because we are going to be stuck in this bus for 5 hours." Stiles kept pressuring him.

He cleared his throat, "Next word...." Stella drifted off not hearing anything else, her head was pounding and her body aching, the girl gulped closing her eyes, that had been burning, for a bit.

In the back of her consciousness she knew that coming to this maraton was a awful idea, but at the same time she needed to take care of Scott, she had promised that to her cousin a few days ago.

The sound of her knucles on the door was strong, Allison opened the door with a worried face, but not only for Stella, "What's wrong?" She asked and Allison simply sigh, "Just worried, about Scott." She admited to her best friend, Stella fronwed but then realised that Allison was a much human person than her, that Allison lets herself feel.

"Why?" The girl entered the fair girl's room sitting on the edge of her bed, "I just- I don't know. I want to find a way to protect him." She turned to face Stella, looking right into her eyes, "I feel that something really bad is going to happen, Stell."

The other Argent took her cousin's hand in hers, "Don't worry Al, I promise that no matter what I'll be there to look for him. I owe that to you." She promised.

Suddenly there was a sharp movement from the bus that make Scott groan in pain, and at the same time Stella's eyes shoot open with her own pain, making a small whimper out of her, she could feel Isaac's eyes on her, he was a werewolf after all, he could hear her, but instead of asking her if she was alright he turned to face Scott, "Are you hurt?" He asked out of the blue.

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