26 | beginning

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Her eyes swung open at the feeling of an orange light, the image was a bit blurry making blink several times to readjust to sight.

She noticed how she was inside of the blue Jeep, but it wasn't moving, a pain started to form in her head making her sit up, looking at her reflexion in the car's mirror, blood running in her forehead.

She looked outside and saw that the white moon, was now yellow and then she started to remember what had happened a few moments ago, "The Lunar Eclipse." She mumbled, her body turning to Stiles.

He was still unconscious, leaning in the corner of his seat, blood running down his forehead as well, "Stilinski!" She yelled, shaking his shoulders making him groan.

"I don't wanna go to school." He mumbled.

The Argent rolled her eyes with a small groan, while Stiles's amber eyes started to open and in rapid movements he was sitting up again, "What- What happen?" He asked, "Why are we here?" He asked her making the girl frown.

"We need to go save your dad, and my uncle." She said taking off her seat belt, "What are you talking about?" Stiles looked at her weirdly, and that's when she realised that he didn't remember a thing.

"Oh, crap." She mumbled, the boy looked at her beyond confused, "I'm sorry for this." She bit the bottom of her lip, "Wha-"

In a sudden movement, she grabbed the back of his head, slamming it against the driver's wheel, in hope that the impact whole make his memories come back.

"OIW- WHAT THE FU-" He yelled, grabbing his head but stopping himself, his eyes widening, "My dad! Let's go!" He yelled getting off the Jeep.

Stella repeated his actions, running to him while he took a bat out of the car, "What's with the bat?" She asked while she ran, following him.

"You have your gun, Scott has his claws, and I have my bat." He stated.

It didn't take long to arrive at where the Nementon was, the only problem was that everything around it was falling to underneath the ground, dust and the tree roots everywhere.


They both felt that the main ground was about to fall as well, Stiles was the first one to run towards a small crack, opening to the inside of the underground attic, Stella slid inside following Stiles's steps.

As soon was the celling, or the ground, as about to fall off, Stiles grabbed his bat positioning it against the floor and the celling making it whole steady, not falling on top of them.

Everyone's eyes was widen during few seconds, still afraid that it would fall and making sure that the bat was being able to hold it by itself, Stiles eyes drifted to his father that was standing next to him.

"I always said that aluminium was better than wood."

They both hugged, only for a short amount of time, because a strong blow of the wind made everything tremble again.

They all shared scared looks, looking up, small pieces of dirt falling inside, all of them thinking on the same lines, thinking that they all would die buried alive.

The orange light started to fade away, the dark night coming again, Stella looked outside and watched as the moon turned white again and in a short seconds everything as dark again.

It was night again.

Suddenly, Stella felt a rush of chills going down her spine and spreading in her body, her eyes closed for a single moment, being able to see a pair of yellow eyes turning red.

The Argent | StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now