20 | doors

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Red and blue lights were everywhere as Lydia arrived with Stella's body at the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, "Be back in a second." The paramedic that was with them in the ambulance at said almost ten minutes ago, but Lydia wouldn't stop staring at her friends pale face with a air tube almost falling off her lips, "I can't believe this-" The girl mumbled with a groan, pushing the hospital bed inside, she couldn't just wait there as she watched her friend dying, "Is that everyone?!" She heard Melissa's voice in the hall, the woman turned around to see Lydia pushing the bed as fast as she could, "What are you doing here? We are transporting everyone out!" She asked her in panic and then took a second look at the girl's face, her red eyes and the mascara falling off, the McCall then looked at the bed and gashed at the sight of the Argent with the throat slashed, just like her mother had been murdered.

"Okay." The older woman mumbled to herself, "Lydia, go home. Get some rest. I'll take go care of her." She assured her making the strawberry blonde nod and leaving, taking a second look at the brunette.

"McCall! A Cora Hale wasn't been moved!" Another man told her making her sigh, "I'll do it." She assured, she looked at Stella pushing the bed while grabbing some pads to put in her neck, her medical mind was telling her that she had lost a lot of blood and that she was already dead, but her heart said to not give up, and give some faith to her son's friends.

She moved the bed forward to stop at a room where she saw a face that she didn't know was alive, "You were suppose to be dead." She stated while Peter hide in the shadows, "I get that a lot," He sighed and then looked at the bed, "Is that the younger Argent?" He asked and she nod, "Mhm, Ironic. Mother and daughter killed in a similar way-"

Cora suddenly woke up, raising herself out of the bed to puke a red liquid with mistletoe in it making both Peter and Melissa frown, the woman called started to worry taking care of the girl and at this moment need her more than Stella did.

Peter went closer to Stella while talking to Derek on the phone, "How is she?" He asked about Cora,, unware that Stella was there as well, only lifeless, "Not good. She is in and out of consciousness. She os vomiting up black blood along with another substance." He said, "Mistletoe." Derek mumbled on the other line, "Derek. Another thing."

"What?" He snapped not wanting to waste any more time, "Stella Argent is here. But- I can't hear a heart beat, Derek." There was a silence on the other side, "She's dead?" He mumbled under his breath, "No heart beat usually means that." Peter sarcastically told him, after a few minutes of silence Peter spoke again, "Sorry." He said hanging up the phone.

It wasn't always that Peter Hale had feelings but on this case it was slightly different, he knew something that Talia had told him before she was killed by him, something that Derek did not knew, and apparently neither the dead girl knew. He looked at the pale girl with her eyes closed and the dry blood on her cloths and skin, he sighed at it would be his grandniece, he took a second look at the dead girl turning away, being the only one that knew that some one the blood that was dry on her cloth was Hale blood.


Her lifeless body was shoved into a random room, Melissa knowing that there was no returning from the dead to that girl, she closed the door sighing, "I'll come back for you, Stella." She mumbled meaning the girl's body, knowing that she deserved something better than still being on a hospital bed, in a dark closed off room.

She ran down the stairs, not wanting to get stuck in the elevator, and walked to the main door and saw his son coming in with his best friend, "Scott! Scott!" She ran, "What are you doing here? The hospital is evacuating." Scott walked to his mother, "We are here to save Cora." He told her between breaths, "All of you?" She looked at Derek, Miss Blake and Stiles.

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