10 | grave

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Stiles was driving back home after what seemed like a endless day in school, in the back of his mind was always the brunette that was good with guns, Stella, the boy keep wondering why she had miss the whole morning of classes, of course he knew that Stella hated school, but something inside of him told him that something wasn't right.

He stopped the car in front of the house, he looked at it before shutting the cars door and finally gaining the courage to walk to the door and ring the bell, "Stiles?" The fair girl that used to date his best friend answered the main door to the boy, "What are you doing here?" She asked with a sightly chuckle and confused, "Allison!" Stiles yelled awkwardly because he was hoping that Stella answered the door, not her cousin, "I was, you know, wondering, if Stella was, you know, around?" He asked while scratching the back of his neck trying to peek inside of the house, Allison smirked at the thought of Stiles asking for her, "Amhm, no, actually." Then her smirked faded and a frown was form, "She left this morning and wasn't come back." She informed the boy that was worried now, "You don't think she- She's okay right?" He asked in hope of gaining some sort of faith.

Allison nod cracking a smile, "Of course, that girl is the most bad ass girl I know. She can protect herself." She told him and Stiles nod, "Allison! Who is it?" Chris Argent yelled walk towards the door and his dauther, "Oh, hi Stiles." He spoke when he saw the teenager at the door, "Is everything alright?" He asked looking at Allison this time, "Yes, Stiles was just asking for Stella. By the way, dad, do you know where she went?" He seemed to think for a while before answering, "She probably went to the cemitary." He said making Stiles frown, "Why?" He asked without noticing that was moment happening between the Argents.

Allison turned to the boy with a sigh, "She wasn't told you? Well, I'm not surprised. But its not my place to tell you." She told to the boy that kepted nodding, "Okay. Then, bye, see you at school Allison." He said speed walking towards his blue jeep, "We are going to get Stella, Roscoe." He said to the car and left.



The girl sat in the dark dirt looking at the last grave stone she was going to visit for today, in her hand she hold a bullet, not the ordinary kind of bullet but a wolfbane one, she obsevered it before kissing the top, her pale lips touching the cold of the small, but powerful bullet.

She got up placing the small object on top of the grey stone, she ran her fingers through the name of the missed person, "Kate Argent? You can to visit Kate?" A voice stopped her movements, without looking at him, she took a step back whipping a tear she hadn't notice falling, Stella turned to the boy that she had become close with, "She was my last stop." Stella's voice wasn't like usual, it was soft and full of emotion, Stiles got closer, "Who did you saw before?" He asked curious, "My parents."

Stella turned all in the cemetery, watching the other graves with Stiles following her movements, "Your parents are both-"

"Dead. Yes." She said coldly this time, "Oh, I didn't know." Stiles said, he never though that Stella was an orfan, it didn't even crossed his mind, "Yeah, that was the point. No one was supposed to find out." She took a quick glance at him, "Why did you think I came to live with my uncle and Allison?" She question him, looking at the boy this time, "Well, I though you were arrested." He told her, Stella tilted her head, "I mean, yes I was but it was because I ran away from my social worker to hunt down the alpha that murdered my parents with its bare hands." Stiles was silence while the girl told him that, it wasn't comon to hear Stella talk about her life, she was always so reserved and a mystery, the boy was eager for answers.

Stella was biting her lip, she knew she wasn't supposed to be telling him all of these this, she didn't want him to give her pity or jump to conclusion about her, but she couldn't help it, she couldn't keep her mouth shut for some reason.

"How do you know he-" Stiles started to ask how did Stella knew it was its bare hands but she decided to cut him off, "I saw." She simply said flashbacks of what had happen coming back to her mind.

Sick ans tired of his question, she turned to face him, "What are you doing here Stiles?" She decided to ask the boy, he chuckled nervously, "I was just- I was kind of worried." He admited making the girl tilt her head, "You missed school, so I went to your house and Chris told me that you might be here." He told her making her sigh with a long nod.

"And I find you in Kate's grave. I get that you can see your parents, but Kate? She burned down a house with inocen-" Stella stopped Stiles again, she knew that Kate had made big mistakes before but she still had place for her in her cold heart, Stella still cared about her even if she was a psycopath, "I KNOW! Please, stop." She pleased after yelling at him, "But, Kate- She's-" Stella was trying to find a way to get the words out of her mouth, but couldn't, "She what? She doesn't deserve anything! Not after what she did!" Stiles frowned, remebering all the hunter had done, "STOP! People deserve second chances!!" Stella argued.

The boy snored, "You believe in second chances? Come on! The woman nearly killed me and all of my friends!! She is a psychopath!" The girl was starting to feel unseasy with his harsh words, "BUT SHE IS ALSO MY MOTHER!" Stella's eyes that were closed, had shoot open at the information she had blurred out, her hands fell to her lips in seconds trying to stop somehow the words, but it was done.

Stiles looked at the girl in front of him in shock, not knowing what to respond or what to do, Stella looked at him a bit scared of the reaction that he would have, but then took a deep breath, she need to trush him, she did trust him, for the first time, Stella had hope, hope that he wouldn't judge her for roots.

"Look-" Stella took a step forward but Stiles stepped away from her like she was the plage, at the moment a string inside of Stella broke, it hadn't been the first, but it had hurt a lot the more then some, she looked at the ground ashmade, "You- You are her dauther." He chuckled trying to understand, "Of course, how- how didn't I see it. You both had secrets, you both kill people, you both are cold hearted." Stella closed her eyes hearing every words he had to say, this time it was on her, this was her fault, "You are just like her."

Stella's head raised, and she laughed coldly, she needed to say something back, she couldn't just stand there and listen, that wasn't Stella Argent, "I'm not like her. Yes, I have a small spot for her, of course I do. She is my mother for God's sake, she taught me almost everything I know. But she had NO reason to do what she did, she killed inocent people and that's not what the code says. At least not my code." She said, "Its not my fault. You know something, I though that you could actually help me and find my father too, but I guess not. And I though that you would know me better than this. I guess I was wrong about everything." Her words made Stiles close his eyes, "I'm so-" She laughed again, "Don't. Just go." She ordered him and he hisatated, "GO! Before I shot you." She yelled clearly enough and he not leaving in his Jeep.

The teenage hunter waited until he was out of side to let go several tears she was trying to hold during their fight, she cleaned them up with a small groan leaving her lips, it was stupid the fact that she was crying over a boy, she had no reason to. It was her fault after all, she should have been more careful, she shouldn't had let her guard down and let him know. She told him, she is the one to blame.


this chapter had a severval edit because i didn't like how it turned up nd it was like i wasnt even writting Stella, or the relationship she has with Stiles, and i think that how it is now its more like the book is and her character.

ily, and comment you FAV part about 5b so far


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