19 | bitch

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Heart. It was her heart. The muscle that made her alive was telling her that she wouldn't make it out alive.

Stella ran in the dark hallways of her stupid school looking for that girl that Scott had asked form, "LYDIA!" She yelled, "Fucking hell, where are you?" She mumbled under her breath, "And why are the lights out?" She looked up at the celling, rolling her eyes, "Stella?" The strawberry blond held her phone and looked behind her to see the badass hunter, "Jeez, why are you here?" Stella approached the girl, "Aiden told me to meet him here." She explained.

The Argent looked around, entering the room she was in, the classroom where they had English. She rolled her eyes when she noticed that it was completely empty, "Well, he is not here." She said to Lydia, "Let's go." She heard a whimpered behind her and turned around to find no one else there with her, Stella as fast to take off her knife out of the boot, not bringing her gun with her today, "Lydia?!" She slowly asked for her before killing someone she didn't want.

She walked outside the classroom in hope to see her making out with Aiden, but it was empty, there was a small mumble coming from inside the class, it was the same song she had heard in the nightmare she had have a few nights go, Stella chuckled knowing what was happening, but not knowing how to get out of the situation, "Son of a bit-"

She felt a sharp pain in the back of her head, blacking out completely as in reaction.


"Stella?" It was the first sound she heard, she knew it was Lydia's voice, she could also hear her heavy breathing and the sniffles, "Ugh." Stella groaned at the headache she now had, it didn't took long to noticed that she had both her feet and hands tied up in the chair she was sitting on, the hunter rolled her eyes, this was one of the first training she had was an hunter, her fingers found what she expected a rope so she could untie it, but it was a wire.

Then she heard a chuckle, "Thought I would be stupid enough to put a rope, Stella? Come on.." The girl swing her eyes open to reveal someone that was not a surprise to her, "Jennifer Blake." She almost growled her name, "What- What are you doing?" Lydia asked next to her, noticing how the evil teacher as preparing something, "What's necessary." The woman said, "I'm still surprised that none of you seem to get that. You call them sacrifices, but you don't understand its meaning. It's comes from the Lati-"

"UGHHH." Stella whined, "Come on! You're classes are already boring. We don't need this speech." The rebel teenager cut her off making Blake give her look and a smirk, "Of all of you. You were the one I didn't expect to show up, you know Stella." She came closer, Stella's eyes fixed on hers, "I didn't thought Eichen would let you out so soon." She whispered in her hear, "You bitch!" She yelled at her being able to hit her with her own head, making Jennifer fall, "y headache might have gotten worse, but it was worth it."

Jennifer got up, "Oh, you are going first." She stated grabbing the garrote and her knife rolling then in Stella's throat, "No! No, stop!" Lydia pleased while Stella had some tears in her eyes about to fall, she knew that Scott would be looking for them by now, she knew what sacrifice really meant, and she was willing to do just that to give Lydia a bit more of time to survive.

"Oh Lydia, don't worry. You'll go next." She said bringing the wire closer making Stella whimper, "Please, please stop!" She begged tears falling off her green eyes, her mascara in her cheeks, "This is not a sacrifice, she just knew too much. And did you." She told her and the Blake's lips got closer to Stella's hear, "Its a shame that you are not going to be able to see Stiles's and Allison's tears when they see you with your throat slashed." And pulled the wired closer making Stella's breathing short, and in reaction, so did Lydia's.

The scene wasn't missed by the teacher that released it a bit, "Oh, that's happening here? You can feel her pain? How did you guys got connected?" She wondered with a hit of curiosity on her voice, and then Lydia let out a piercing scream, "Oh! The wailing woman!" Jennifer said, pulling the knife to Stella's throat again, "Why would she connect herself to a mere hunter. Unless-" She got cut off, by the Sheriff barging "Drop it!" he pointed his gun at her, as in reaction Miss Blake slashed Stella's neck, not expecting the man to barge in, her eyes still caught the Darack trowing a knife into he Sherriff chest making Lydia whimper.

Stella felt a hot pain on her neck, but the rest of her body cold and numb, she was in shock. One of the tears that had been threatening to fall, had finally fallen down her chubby cheek, "NO!" She heard another scream from Lydia, not understanding if it was for her or if something else was happening, a few seconds later she heard a loud growl that she would recognise everywhere. Stella saw as the teen wolf tried to fight Jennifer and protect them both, and she also saw when her, with just a movement of her hand, send him against the wall.

Her head fell to her left, not having strength enough to keep it up. Blood started to leave her slightly open mouth when she heard yet another yell before small black dots filling her sight, "Dad? Oh my god! Stella! STELLA!!" Stiles yelled as Blake pushed a table to close the door making him outside of where the scene was happening, "HEY! NO!" He bashed against the wall trying to somehow pass through it.

The brunette's eyes started to close down, leaving the black dots to a complete darkness, only having her hearing left, "There was this girl," She heard someone, the Sheriff, saying, "Years ago, her face and body slashed apart, that was you, wasn't it?" He question her between heavy breath, "Maybe I should have started with Philosopher, with their knowledge." And then a loud crack, the sound of a bullet was heard.

Somehow the loud and disturbing sound of a gun shooting was what made Stella finally loose her last sense, it was ironic because in a regular person it would be sound that would make them awake up, open their eyes, with worry. But Stella wasn't a regular person. She as a hunter, she was used to guns and knifes and blood. That loud sound, was almost peaceful for her.

"Stella?!" Lydia distressed voice yelled, "SCOTT!" He cut her loose out of her chair only to make the girl fall into one of her best friends pool of blood, "Stella!" She cried as Scott took her out of her chair, Stella unresponsive. Stiles that started where his dad had been taken by Jennifer Blake, the woman that the Argent had suspected along, until he heard his name being called, "Stiles?" He heard Scott, with a small voice, calling for him.

Stiles was almost afraid of turning to him and Lydia, and the fallen hunter. He had seen her throat open on the other side of the wall making a void in his chest. He was afraid to turn and see a girl that he had started to have feeling for dead. But he turned anyway.

He turned his body, running towards the girl that was slightly on Scott's lap, with a crying Lydia by her side. The girl that used to be a bit tanned, pure white and pale, the blood down her lips and neck exceeding, although at the same time, she looked like she was just sleeping.

He reached out for one of her fallen hands, holding it close, trying to warm it somehow, "Is she- Can you hear a heart-" His voice cracked and Scott's head fell knowing what his was asking, "Barely." He answered, Lydia immediately got up and reached for a phone that was on the floor, "I'm calling 911. She might still make it." She hoped but none of the boys moved.

They stood still, because they knew. They knew that Stella Argent wasn't going to awake up this time.


haha, I'm evil.

joking, ily

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