21 | alive

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Visions. Or memories, whatever you want to call it, evaded her brain while she sat on the end of the hospital bed, she was slowly starting to remember everything that had happen before she fainted, specifically the moment that Jennifer cut her throat open, Stella's hand moved to her neck feeling the pad around her, "That bitch!"

She frowned getting up, feeling her white converse, that were now slightly red because of the blood, hit the floor. That was when she noticed that they didn't even change her to those hospital cloth she hated, she noticed her, that used to be white, shirt red and her cut open jeans with little spots of red too.

Stella frowned, that was way too much blood too be hers, it would impossible for her too be alive if so, the problem was, the girl hadn't realise that she had indeed died.

A loud werewolf growl made her snap her head to the door in alert, "Stiles! Don't!" She heard what seemed to be Derek's voice, she quickly got off the bed ripping off the tubes from her arm, she tried to found something in the dark room she was in, her hands rooming the tabled around, finding a seringue and a scalpel.

She sigh, going closer to the door, the seringue with unknown substance inside raised in her left hand and the scalpel widen in her right hand, she looked outside finding the hallway clear. She walked out turning her head to the right, to find a gigantic werewolf, the twins.

She tilted her head, as someone smashed its head with a wooden bat, breaking but not even hurting the twins, "Idiot." She mumbled.

She ran to it, jumping a bit being able to stab the seringue in this neck, the werewolf falling off to the ground, not needing to use the scalpel, "I'm so badass." She whispered looking down, but then her head was raised to see Derek and Scott looking at her with their eyes widen, "What? You are like at me like if you had seen a dead person."

She then felt a strong embrace, an arm rolling in her waist and another one in her head, "You were dead, stupid." She heard Stiles voice, "You are dead." He mumbled making her frown in confusion, ignoring it for a second she hugged him back, a tight and long hug. She felt the need to hold him close.

"Guys! The twins are awaking up again!" Scott yelled at them making them separate, both of their head snapped at the morphed werewolf that was shaking its head, "Lets go!" Derek strong voice spoke, Stiles grabbing Stella's hand dragging her off the room.

They all entered a room where Peter was laying Cora on a table, the lights above them blinking off and on, "Where's the big guy?" He asked unware of the new heart beat with them, Scott closed the doors to make sure they were safe, "Let's say I put them off for a while." Stella said giving everyone chills, Peter slowly turned his head to her, "You're alive." He pointed, "Why can't no one in this town stay dead? Seriously."

Stella frowned at his words, "Yeah, how- how are you here?" Scott asked while Derek was without words in his mind, only needing the girl's presence, "I-I don't know. I just had this dream- There were doors, and then bam- I'm here." She tried to explain, Stiles's hand never leaving hers.

"Guys. We need to focus on the other problem." Peter said they're minds going back to what was really happening, "Where's the bitch that opened my throat?" Stella asked making Stiles worried look at Scott, "Where is Miss Blake?"

Scott sighed, "What does that mean? She's gone! Scott are you kidding me?!" Stiles yelled at him making Stella wonder what she had missed, "QUITE!" Derek whispered yelled, "Are you serious?" Stiles scolded, not so loud.

Stella's grip tightened making him calm down a bit, but it didn't work for long, "Are you telling me what to do?" He came closer to Derek letting go of Stella, "Me huh? When your psychotic, mass murdering girlfriend- The second one of you dated by the way, let's not forget Kate-" He said making Stella bit her lip looking down, "Has got my dad somewhere, tied up, waiting to be ritually sacrificed?"

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