14 | one

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One bullet. It was all Stella was left with, she called herselft stupid and careless for letting that happen, but between the Derek died incident, the girl completly forgot to load her weapon. One bullet was all she had to protect herself and, what she now called as, friends. Or. One bullet to kill someone, herself included. One bullet, and a knife.

Some people might think that Stella is a light headed person, in other words, a stupid one. And when I say stupid, I don't mean in personality, I mean academically , what is the opposite of Stella Argent, she was one of the smartest girl in her class. The only problem was that she just didn't care about school, but the girl was an encyclopaedia.

She had known since they had gotten there, where they all were. She knew exacly what this specific hotel was known for, the suicides.

Stella also knew that this one of the places where one of the most known hunters had killed himself, and that it was most likely the Darach work that fact that they were there. That the Darach is hopping to sacrifice more three people.

The only thing Stella did not know, was who. Who will be the target this time.

The last thing she knew, was that she would do the impossible and possible to keep her friends safe, even if that meant blowing her brains out or shoving the knife deep in her heart. Harsh words, I know, but truthful one as well.

Stella was headed towards thre room of someone, it worried her how he was behaving before, Boyd, she knock on his door, but nothing, she knock again, but nothing. Felling suspecious, she took out a simple object, a bobby pin, she always keeps one with her in case she was to enter somewhere.

With slowly moves and with her gun out, Stella started to open the door, she looked inside, the bed was still made with Boyd's bag on top of it, the bathroom door was lightly open with the water tap open, she walked inside trying to hear the werewolf, the tv was complety missing, if someone had rip it off the table.

"What the fu-" Suddely Stella felt a body on top of hers, claws trying to rip her troath, she took her knife out, and stabed Boyd's leg, he let go of her and she looked at him ready to fight back, but at the same time trying to avoid it, "Boyd. Boyd, snap out of it." She told him but he would listen, in the small room he ran towards her, but she went underneath him, "Perks of being short." She mumbled, she went to the bed, and placed herself on top of it, "Boyd, wake up! You are not thinking straight!" She called for him, but it was useless, and she was starting to understand that, she took out her gun, "Boyd, I really don't want to use this one you. Come on." She said, "Ugh, I don't even like you that much."

He looked at her and seemed a bit more calm, her eyes twitched, thinking of how strange that was, she climbed off the bed, still with the gun pointed at him, "Let's work this out together Boyd, okay?" She said, and he simply looked at her with his claws out, his teeth out and his yellow eyes shinning, "We don't want to turn those eyes blue don't we." She said implying what would happen if he killed her.

She started to lower her gun, taking smal steps foward, and out of nowhere, Isaac stroke her in the head, shooving her against the hall. Stella grabbed her head trying to ease the dizziness, "That son of a bit- BOYD!" She yelled getting after noticing that he had ran to the bathroom. She was trying to get herself together, she knew what he wanted to do, it was obvious. He was going to drown himself.

She ran her hand through her head and hair, finally being able to get up, she ran to the bathroom, almost falling a couple of times, when she got there Boyd's body was already inside the tube with the safelock out top of him, so he could get out, "Oh shit!"

Stelle dropped her gun and tried to get the safe out of him but it was useless, if not even he could get out, how could she be able to take it off, "Come on!!" She struggled, so did Boyd, shaking and trying to breath again, she tried to at least roll the safe off of his body, but with one of Boyd's free hands he grabbed her by the shirt and pushed her towards him, making her face inside water and without breathing as well, "BOYD!" She tried to yelled but her voice was cover under the water, she took one of her hands out to try and find her knife on her jeans, she felt the cold weapon and stabbed his arm making him release her, she looked around but there was nothing she could do, at least not alone, "HELP! HELP!" She yelled, "SOMEONE HELP ME!"

As in cue, Lydia and Stiles enter the room, to find Stella still trying to get the safe out of Boyd's body, "He blocked the drain!" Stella told them and Stiles started helping her, "What- What do we do?" Lydia asked, "The safe-" Stiles mumbled and Lydia started to help them as well, but the most they could do was move the safe a little.

"Is he dead? How long can he be under water?" Lydia asked, "One minute maybe." Stella answered, "Its too heavy." Stiles said backing away, "So what we just give up?" Stella looked at him still trying to get the safe out, "Stella!" Lydia yelled, "OH!" Stiles yelled out of pain and the both girls looked at him, "Wait a sec. The heater! Ethan came out of it when he touched it." Lydia looked at him, "What?"

"Fire and heat does it." Stella said, getting up, "We need something that makes fire." Stella conclued, "HE IS UNDER WATER!" Lydia screamed thinking, "I'm aware of that!" Stiles shot back, "Okay, wait, wait! On the bus! They have emergacy flares, the can burn under water! Go! Go!" Lydia yelled at Stiles and he left without thinking.

Stella was starting to back way, for some reason her hands were shaking, she couldn't understand the why, she looked at Lydia, "I-I-I, I'll be right back." Stella said running off, "STELLA-" She heard Lydias voice but ignored her, something was happening to her but she had no idea what was it. She ran to someone elses room, each had the door unlock, without thinking straight, she locked herself into the bathroom and looked into the mirror, she looked at her reflexion and started crying out of nowhere, "What is happening?" She question herself between cries.

"That is not how I raised you Stella." A familiar voice to Stella started talking, "What?" She mumbled under her breath, she looked in the mirror and saw the blond woman how was suppost to had raised her, Kate Argent, "Mom?" She looked at the woman trough the mirror, "Look at you. All weak and sloppy. You look like Allison." Kate said with a disgusted look on her face, "Always crying."

Stella looked at herself matching the description that her birth mother was telling her, "I didn't even lived with you, I didn't get to call you mom in family reunions-" Her small voice spoke, "Like if I wanted to! Look at yourself. You embarrass me. Your dad even ran away knowing the disgrace you are."

Stella covered her ears trying to block everything word out, "This isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real." She repeated, "Oh, but it is darling." Stella closed her eyes, "NO! You're dead! Stop. NO." She yelled.

"You have one bullet left, honey." Stella opened her eyes again, "One bullet away from happiness. A family. Greatness. That's what you want right Stella? To be the best." Stella started to pull out her black gun that she had manage to get before she ran from Lydia, she looked at it, "Yes darling, it would all be over. All this." She raised her gun and pointed to her own head.

"Do it Stella, come on! One bullet away from being better than Allison, to be The Argent. One bullet away to have real friends, a real family." Kate whisperd in her hear, producing chills in her spine, suddenly Stella frowned, "Being better than Allison? Real family?" She repeated those hunting words, "Yes honey."

"But I don't want to be better than her, I just want to help her." She mumbled looking at herself, "Real family, I have it already. Its them." She smiled letting a tear of happiness slip, "Allision. Uncle Chris. Scott, Isaac, Lydia. Stiles." She said, "What?" Kate asked, "My family." Stella pushed the trigger, but in the mirror breaking her image. Her old thoughts.

Kate had vanished and she smiled at the thing she had just realized, but a string in her heart tighten thinking of why was she also affected, it should be only with the werewolfs, she looked at the last bullet she owned, and reach out to touch it.

As soon her skin touched the bullet she used to kill her old self, she saw a face. Scott's.

She backed away, running as fast as she could to outside, she knew now what she had to do, what she real need to do in Beacon Hills, protect her family. Her pack.

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