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Her whole world stopped for a moment before the line went dead, Stella let go all of her stuff in the ground and ran toward the phone, yanking it out of Stiles's hands, calling Scott again, "Pick up, pick up. Come on." She walked around the room, pacing, "COME ON!" She yelled trowing the phone to the sofa, "Hey! That costs money!" Stiles whined getting his phone back.

The Argent ran back to her stuff, placing them hidden alk over her body, "Stella, calm down." Stiles voiced sounded through the room, cleaned the tears that were threating to fall Stella turned to face the teenager, "I have to go. If Allison- I just have to help them. Her." She mumbled walking towards the door, Stiles took a hold of her wrist, "Hey, let's calm down, yes." He said making her take some more calmer breaths, "Okay, see. It was easy." She rolled her eyes, "I have to go Stil-"

"No. You don't. First you need to calm down." He said with a stern voice this time, Stella kepted quiet, straighting her body in respect with Stiles, "Why was she there? I don't- Why didn't she told me?" She asked looking into he's eyes looking for an answer desperlaly, "She was suppost to trust me." Her voice almost cracked.

He shoke her head in denail, "I don't know, but I'm she's-" His phone started ringing, "One sec." He answerd it, "Ow, Oh, Lydia calm down- What?! We are on our way." He said fast grabing her hand this time, "Let's go!" He draged her out of the building.

"Where?" She asked getting ready to fight, "It's Lydia, she found a body." The girl frowned, she knew something would go wrong with this absurd plan.


As soon they parked the Jeep, Stella ran out of the car running towards the short girl with wheels, "LYDIA!" She screamed, "Are you okay?" She reached the girl checking if everything its okay with her, "Lydia! What happen?" Stiles asked following the same actions as the brunette.

"I'm okay. That, over there... Not okay." She seemed really upset, curious Stella got closer to the body, blood all round it, "Yeah, all right. I'm gonna call my dad." Stiles grabbed his phone, the girl carefully looked at the boy that was murder, it seemed like the throat had been ripped, "I already called 911." Lydia informed him, "YOU CALLED THE POLICE BEFORE CALLING ME?!" Stiles suddenly yelled, making Stella look at them and getting closer to them, "I'm supposed to call you first when I find a dead body?" She seemd frusterated, "YES!" He yelled back and then someone started calling Stella.

She answered it, "Sup?" She spoke, "Stella? We need another hunter, I don't like to ask-" Her uncle Chris said talking about Scott and Derek, Stella presumed, "I'm in." Stella could almost feel the smirk on his face, "You can still handle a gun perfectly, right?" He asked making her eyes roll, "Of course." She walked away from the fuze Lydia and Stiles were doing, "Someone is going to pic-"

A black car showed up, with Isaac there, "He's already here. Bye." She hunged up looking at Isaac, "How did you find me?" She asked before getting in the car with him, "Your scent." He simply answered.

She tilted her head, "Hum, didn't know I had an scent." She smiled, "What's happening here?" Stiles got closer while Lydia entered here own car, Stella turned to him, "I'm needed." She opened the car door, "Yeah, let's go." Isaac spoke driving away.

She waited in the car with Isaac before they picked up Derek, "So..." Isaac started looking at her, "Allison told me you got arrested once." He slowly said, like if he was afriad that she would shot him, Stella looked at him with a serious face, "Too personal?" He asked and she kepted quite with the death look on her face, "Yeah... Too personal." He nod.

Isaac then turned to the back where Derek was, "What about you? Your sister, hum." Derek did the same as Stella, "Okay. Sorry. You two look extremely a like I must point out." This time around the both looked at him, "Okay, okay, I'll shut up."


The Argent, both of them, looked at the three werewolfs, "Focus on your sense of smell. Actual wolves are known to track their prey by up to a hundred Miles a day by scent. A trained hunter can use scent to track them. If the wind is with them, wolves can track a scent by a distance of two Miles, which means we can draw them to us... Or into a trap. Full moon does give us one advantage. They'll have a higher heat signature, which makes them easier to spot with infrared." Chris made some sort of introdution 101 to hunters, "Thanks, but I've got my own." Derek annoyingly said.

Stella laught a little, "Remember this aren't wild animals, underneath those impulses are two intelligent human beings. Don't think they can't rely on that human side. It's suppressed, but it's there, reminding them how to mask their scent, how to cover their tracks, how to survive. When's the last time you saw your sister? Because we need to lock her scent." She explained and ested Derek, "Nine years ago." She nod, after that most of the talking as made by her uncle.

After all the explained Stella walked over to Scott when she found him alone, "Scott! Hum," She started, him looking at her, "Is Allison?" He nod smiling, "Yes, she's okay. Don't worry." He assured her.


Next morning, Stella decided to wake up early and have some training, even though she got both Scott and Derek impressed with her capacity to handle guns and fighting, and leaving Isaac scared as shit, Stella still got her ass kicked by Boyd.

She looked at the mirror in front of her, her lip still with a small cut, she knew it would heal soon, but the girl couldn't help it but feel that somehow she had gotten soft.

She went back to her room passing through Allison's, it was empty, Stella had to walked to the school today, it was maybe a thirty minutes walk, not even that much.

She and Allison haven't been really on talking terms, after Allison sneaking out without telling her best friend of the same blood, and arriving home in the middle of the night, Stella had felt that somehow she had lost Allison's trust on her. And that she was losing her.

With a sad, disappointed to herself, sigh Stella got dressed and walked to school, not afraid to get either late or missing classes, she couldn't care shit about it.

She immediately saw her cousin with the strawberry blond, Stella knew that she couldn't be around Allison, not right now anyway, so that also meant she couldn't be with Lydia because she was closer to Allison.

Turning her head she saw Scott and Stiles, they seemed to be talking, with a smile she was ready to walk over to them, but stopped her tracks in the middle of the way, even though she was friends with McCall and now in good terms with Stilinski, she felt like she wasn't apart of their group either.

She didn't fit any where.


heyy, sorry for that sad ending but I just wanted u guys to get a felling of what Stella actually feels and not pretends to feel

BUT do not worry, she will make a friendship really soon *smirks*



(I'm signing w my whole name whhhhaaat)

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