24 | acception

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Ache. That would be the correct word that Stella felt, when she silently turned her back not being able to watch.

Her heart ache from the simple act of watching them kiss. From watching him, kiss her.

She couldn't quite bring herself to describe the felling, but it felt like her heart was being ripped out of her chest and being smashed, it seemed dramatic, but that was how she felt.

She shouldn't felling like this, Stiles wanted that. He wanted that kiss. He wanted Lydia. He always had wanted her.

Allison had told her how he had made a plan to get her, and marry her. How he had claimed to loved the strawberry blond since third grade. How he noticed things no one else did. And now he had it, right there.

The girl walked in the hallways, trying to focus on their mission at the moment, she shouldn't be worried about meaning less things like this. She had to save her uncle, Scott's mom and Stiles's dad.

But she couldn't, she couldn't help but replying the scene in her mind, Lydia reaching out to his cheeks, pressing her lips against his. Stella groan furious with herself, why couldn't she let this go? Why couldn't just the image vanish?

"I like him." She stopped in the middle of the stairs, where she was going to Morrell's office, "Shit, I like Stilinski." She tasted the words, and realised with her brown eyes widen.

A small faint smile appeared in her cheeks, "No- I can't think of this now." She said to herself starting to move once more, "I need to focus. I made a promise." She mumbled, her hands curling up into little fists, "Ugh." She let out.

This mix of feeling she had inside of her, were too much. Way too much to Stella to be able to control, this was the reason why she didn't do feelings, it was distracting. At this moment, she just wanted to go back. Back to being feelingless, back to where she started. But she couldn't, it was too late for that, they were already there.

She only had to accept them.

She barged in into Morrell's office, but there was no one there except for another girl, "Where the hell is Morrell?" Stella questioned her, "Why the hell should I know?" She fired back, making Stella sigh, she did not had time for this shit right now.

"If I knew I wouldn't be waiting here, "She continued, "Really not in the mood for this crap." Stella huffed and ran to the desk, "What are you doing?"  Stella roomed the files in the cabinet trying to find something she could use, something, anythi-

"Stella?" Both Lydia and Stiles barged in making her freeze a little, she looked up avoiding to look at the boy, "Searching." She fired back, "Where's Ms. Morrell?" Lydia asked.

"Not here. She's been twenty minutes late." The girl spoke again, Stella trying to focus on the names in the files, but failing, "She is never late. She's missing." The banshee concluded.

Stella started to take off a bunch of students files, dumping them in the table, "Hey- You can't do that! Those are private." Stiles started to join the girl, by searching the other boxes, "Guys, she is right. This is sort of illegal."

At that moment, Stella was able to read Lydia's file name, "Here's yours." She handed, the girl immediately forgetting how this as illegal, Stella watched as she noticed her tree drawings, "The tree." Stella mumbled.

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