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Leafs breaking under neath her feet while she walked with the three males following her, "See how they looked at the body?" Isaac said next to Stella talking about how the twins looked at the guy that made Stella numb, "Yeah, like they didn't knew about it." Stiles stated stopping Isaac from saying something stupid, "Uhm, no, they kne-"

"No. They didn't." Stella cut him Isaac with her harsh voice, she decided to stay away from them a bit, she was getting too emotional, she was getting too connected with the recent events and the people, she noticed that ever since she came to Beacon Hills she had started to act more sentimental and that needed to stop.

Isaac looked at the girl with a frown, "The kid was strangled, and hit in the head. This wasn't a werewolf. This is a person." Stella continued with a stren voice, "FINALLY! I though I was the only one noticing the lack of wolfattitude in this murders." Stiles said in relieve that finally someone was on the same page was him, "OH, so you both think its a coincidence that they show up and people start dying?" Isaac looked back at the murder senior and then at the Argent and to Stilinski.

"No idiot! But they sure don't know how it is." Stella groaned, both of the boys stopped looking at Scott, the werewolf stopped felling observed, "Scott?" Isaac asked him and he was suddenly confused, "What do you think?" His best friend asked him, "I- I don't know yet." Scott admited.

Scott looked at both Stella and Stiles, "He's got a point." He motioned to Isaac, Stiles was beyond surprised while Stella simply rolled her eyes, "Seriously dude. Human sacrifices?" Stiles looked at the werewolf with wide eyes, "Scott. Your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, hair shows up from your face and desapears." He said but the girl continued, "And if I stabbed you right now, it would magicly heal." She said making Scott turn to Isaac, "They make a good point too."

Knowing that Scott had no freaking clue about what was happening Stella started to talk, "Look, I'm not saying that it doesn't have anything to do with the Alpha pack, because it probaly does. I'm not affirming that this murders are human sacrifices without proofs but you have to admit it freaking looks like it. BUT you DO have to admit that the only reason Isaac, the scarfs man here, is only blaming the twins because he was a special hate spot in his heart for them." Stella said making Scott look at Isaac once more, "She is right." He told the teenager making him look at Stella with rage in his eyes, "I'm only blaming them because I hate them? I though we were friends."

Stella started to slowly walk away, "I don't have friends. None of you is my friend. I can't have friends. I'm fine on my own." She mumbled walking away from the scene. Stella felt that she need to go back to her old days somehow, and doing this was a step closer to it.


Sighing that she finally was surrounded by silence, Stella keepted her books in the locker, the girl had decided she would be leaving school earlier today and hang around Beacon Hills to see if something would catch her attention, she closed the locker door making a noise of the metal hitting.

The girl turned around ready to walk away, but suddenly someone grabbed her wrist from behind and covered her mouth, "MHM!" She whimpered and kicked but whoever was holding her had strengh, she was pushed inside of a empty and smaller classroom where she bit the persons hand, "AAHH! Son of bitch!"

She turned around to see him holding his hand almost in tears, "WHAT THE HELL STILES?!" She yelled to the boy that was looking at her slightly scared for his life, "I WAS ABOUT TO KILL YOU IF I DIDN'T TURN AROUND AND SAW YOU! ARE YOU INSANE?!" She yelled, "Okay, okay. Just don't yell!" He shushed her somehow while she looked at him shocked, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk with yo-"

"And you couldn't say Hey, Stella, I need to talk with you?" She rolled her eyes making her best impression of Stiles, "First of all, I do not speak like that, second of all, I knew that you would ran off when I told you what I wanted to talk to you about." He calmly explained making the girl sigh rubbing her forhead, "And what is it you want to talk about Stilinski?"

He pointed his palm to her making her even more confused, "That, right there. Its like you are going back to the suspicious Stella. Like what the hell was that out there? None of you is my friend." Stiles asked her clearly upset and the young hunter just frowned, "Its none of your business! I'm not here to make friends!" She started to raise her voice again.

"Why are you here?! Why did you suddenly started to help us? For all I know it can be you killing all of this people!" He yelled at her making her even more angry, she walked one step forward, "Why do you keep assuming that I'm this monster here to kill everyone!? You don't know me Stilinski!" She shoot back, Stiles closed his fists, "UGH, stop calling me Stilinski!"

"Stop thinking that I'm some heartless killer!" Stella stated, "AND, I do whatever I want!" The girl groaned in frusteration, "Oh. My. God. I can't do this!" The pale boy groaned was well, unconsiously taking a step foward.

Both blind by they anger, hadn't even notice how close to each other the two were, Stiles was more upset by the idea of Stella always putting her walls up, and Stella herself was pissed because Stiles was the main reason she was letting her guards down.

"Right back at you Stiles!" Her voice sounded, "You know what! We can't be friends!" She suddenly said, "I actually agree! We are now unfriends!" Stiles looked right into her eyes, and she looked at his, "THAT'S NOT EVEN A ACTUAL WORD!" She yelled rubbed her hands in her face for the forth time, "STOP DOING THAT!" He yelled grabbing her hands.

Stella open her mouth to answer a comeback, but there it was. That felling they both get everytime they touched, she stared at him with heavy breaths from the figth, she knew what words she wanted to say but didn't come out, the same happened to Stiles, that tingle he got, that uneasy felling he had making him want to be near Stella all the time.

The teenagers stoped looking at each others eyes and looked at their lips instead, various thoughs were going through Stella's mind, nervously she looked back to Stiles's eyes, his caramel ones still on her rosy lips, "I hate you." She wishpered trying to get an action from him."I hate you too." Stiles said and without thinking, he crashed his lips into hers.

It wasn't one of those cheesy and soft kisses, it was one full of hunger, Stiles's hands left Stella's and slidded to her waist lifting her up to one of the tables in classroom, the hunter hands where all over his hair, the kiss between them both rapidly devoloped, none of them was thinking at the moment, they only knew that it was good, it was amazing, it was pleasuring.

They separated when both were out of breath, Stella head was in Stiles's chest reconvering from this small but intense make out session, but unfortunally that was also the moment her brain started to overthink about what just happen, as in result she pushed him off, "Stell-" Stiles started wondering what was going on her mind, "I'm sorry." She mumbled running off.

Stella's mind was one thousand per hour right now, she was running off god knows where, not even she knew, Stella didn't want a relationship, she didn't like the idea of being someone's girlfriend, it made feel weak, besides she wasn't a girlfriend material, she knew that. But she loved that adrenelline she felt, it was better than anything thing else she had done in her life, but being doing so her walls were coming down, brick by brick.

And she wasn't ready for that. Besides Stiles still pissed her off.




Love you,

- jennifer

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