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Unsure of what to do, Stella dailed someone she trusted with her heart, her cousin, this was the forth time that the brunette tried to call Allison but her best friend was too busy to answer that the moment, with no other option she called Lydia.

With only two rings of distance the strawberry blonde picked up, "LYDIA!" Stella yelled without meaning to, she was just relived that someone had finally answer the phone, "Stella? What's going on?" Lydia asked clearly worried about the Argent, "I-I don't know what to do. I- Lydia, just come pick me up, I'm in front of a random video store." Stella voice sounded stressed and tired from Lydia's point of view, "Okay, calm down. That's a shitty video store, but I'm on my away." Stella sigh after Lydia picked up, she looked at the dark blue sky, the sun was about to desapear and she need to leave fast. Its not that Stella was afraid, but she wasn't stupid, she knew that she couldn't handle a whole pack of Alphas if they showed up, Stella could be crazy and brave but she wasn't that reckless.


Allison stared at the blank paper in front of her, she was supposed to be doing her homework but her mind wasn't there, it was stuck in reply of the words that Ms. Morrell had told her after her french class, in her detention.

Ms. Morrell came closer, "I don't know what you were doing in that bank Allison, but I'll warn you off something." She whispered dangerly low, "Make sure to keep a eye on your cousin Stella. She is precious to them."

The fair girl blinked trying to get the scene out of her mind, she felt slightly guilty for not have been talking with her best friend and cousin, she had been keeping secrets of her, something she had never done, Allison planned to tell her everything, including that she was back on helping the werewolf, or what the reason why she was in the bank the same day was Scott and Derek. But with what Ms. Morrell had said she was more worried and decided to hide that for Stella.

Even though, she wasn't going to keep up with this break they ha going, so Allison left her room directing herself to her cousin's only to find it empty, she frowned entering the room closing the door behind her. The girl frowned what how lack of personal things the room had, she knew that Stella was very reserved and closed up about her fellings, she hide them.

And just like she hide her fellings, and secrets, Stella hiden the most amazing thing in her room that no one ever knew about it. It was just something that she and her aunt Kate did when she was small, and Stella still found a way to do it even with she gone.

Allison came closer to her cousin's desk, smilling at the only picture she had on her black wall, it was the both of them, she let out a small laugh remembering that night, it was perhaps a year ago, it was one of those Argent family events, where everything was too formal, boring Stella started to decorate her face in a Indian style, a few minutes later Chirs took the photo. Both of them got away of the, so called, party and left to a little garden, where they talked the whole night.

"Allison? What are you doing in my room?" Stella bursted in looking at her with a frown, Allison looked at the picture with a smile, "I remember this day. I loved it." She admited, Stella getting closer to the fair girl, "Yeah. Me too." She sigh.

She looked at Stella, "I'm sorry. I've been really distant of you. And I love you Stell. Sorry." The girl looked at her with a sorry look that made Stella sigh, "I know. I love you too." Allison couldn't help herself and trow her around the girl, holding her tight. It took a few seconds to Stella to do the same thing but in the end they both just hug it out.


She stepped away from her younger cousin with a smile, but it faded away when she felt a strong and sharp pain in her heart, like if something in her body was trying to make her do something, "Hey, Ali, can you gave me Stilinski phone number?" She asked and frowned right after, she did not wanted to ask her that but it was like it had just came out, like if her brain had ordered to.

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