17 | young love

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His grip got stronger around her small waist while she bit his bottom lip, both their bodies pressed together trying to sit in the small room and not get hurt by the brooms in the process. He moved his rosy lips to Stella's neck while she got a hold of his hair in the back of Stiles's head, she had no idea how he could look so like a nerd and an idiot but then be so good at this.

Her fingers let go of his dark hair, moving to his chest and then the end of his white shirt, she wanted it off of him, she as about to raise the tshirt when her mind replayed Allison's words in her mind, the words explaining of how he used to say that he loved Lydia. Stella couldn't help but think that she was on his mind right now.

Stiles's strong hands, moved lower to grab her ass, raising her up a bit, moving his lips back on hers, Stella was enjoying this, she really was. There was some sort of fire in her every time she felt his touch and his lips on her skin, but the thought of him thinking of the strawberry blonde while doing this bothered her, "Stiles." She called after breaking their kiss, he looked at her waiting for her to say something.

She looked into his, almost golden, eyes, they had decided a long time ago that they were only friends who made out, she couldn't understand why the whole Lydia thing was screwing up with her mind so badly. She sigh getting off of him, leaving Stiles very confused, "Did I do something wrong-"

She shook her head, "No. No, you are- You are really good-" She said a bit embarrassed, "It's just- maybe it whole friends with make out sessions wasn't that great of an idea." She murmured , Stiles eyes slightly widen not expecting to hear those words, "Do you mean, oyu want to- Like, be more than friends?" He looked at her with a face that Stella couldn't really read, her eyes opened even more after the sound left his mouth, "No! No. It's just, maybe we should just be friends. Without all of this." She motion to the proximity of the both, "Oh." The boy let out, "And, like that you can focus on Lydia completely, and on the whole Alpha thing and stuff." Stella quickly said making Stiles only understand the end of the sentence making him nod, they did need to focus on the Alpha pack and the Darach.

She was now sitting on the Derek's couch next to the same boy that was on the memory she had just replied on her mind, that's what they were right now, friends. Nothing else, "A lot like Scott actually. Like a annoying teenager in love." Peter voice made Stella's head hurt, she didn't only hate him for the fact that he had been the one to murder her mother, but because of the atitude he had to their pack, besides, she wasn't the only one that wanted him.

"Wait? Derek was like Scott?" Stiles snorted as he heard the werewolf words, and stopped when no one else laughed, "Wait- You are actually serious?" He pointed his finger to Peter making him roll his eyes, "Do you know why Derek's eyes are blue? Or mine's?" He asked to him making him struggled, "I thought it was genetics. Like a family thing or something."

Stella cleared her throat, "It's not. It turns blue when you kill an innocent person." She said looking at the boy, "This story was before he had blue eyes, before Paige." Peter said sitting as well, and Cora stood listing in the desk not wanting to get near the man that killed her mother, "Paige? I thought he had a thing with Kate?" Stiles asked him confused and Stella's heart best picked up when hearing her mother's name, "This was before that."

Peter was clearly about to start telling some sob story when Stella got up, "Wait! My mom, and Derek?" She looked between Stiles and Peter to get some answers, "You didn't know?" Stiles asked when clearly he already had his answer, "You're Kate's daughter?" Peter asked looking at her with a look she couldn't describe, "I can see the resemblance, how old are you?" he asked her making her squint her eyes at him, "Sixteen." It was Stiles's turn to get up, "You're sixteen!? I thought you were seventeen like us- Wait no, I thought you were older. Because you always say that you are older than Allison."

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