~Chapter 4~

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Chapter Song

Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons


Luca let out a long breath of frustration, his left hand propped up against the front door as he leaned over knocking a series of five consecutive knocks becoming more and more frustrated. He alternated between knocking and pressing the doorbell which was clearly not currently working.
He finally pushed himself from the leaning position he was in and back upright on his feet before making the decision to walk around the back of the house. Her car was in the driveway and the curtains were drawn back, he was sure she was home.

Making his way towards the back sliding doors he immediately noticed the latch on the other side of the door in the incorrect position. He shook his head muttering under his breath growing even more annoyed by the second.

This girl will never learn.

Sliding open the door he stepped into the house, "Adriana!" He called out loudly swiftly sliding the door behind him shut turning briefly to lock the latch. "Adriana wh-"

He stopped. Frozen in place at the sight of blood. A large shard of glass lay on the ground close by, a trail of deep red leading towards the stairs. One of the dining room chairs toppled over on the floor.
Instinctively he withdrew his gun from his holster, his eyes scanning across the room. His frustrated mood suddenly changing to dangerously alert as he disarmed the safety stalking across the room praying he would not be confronted with a body.

Very slowly he began making his way up the carpeted stairs checking his surroundings with every step towards the top.
He peered around the hallway noticing a few more trickles of the blood leading towards the master bedroom.
His hand reached out connecting with the handle while he continued to point his gun in front. He swallowed hard with nervous anticipation as he pressed the handle down being sure not to make a sound gently pushing the door open to find a completely empty bedroom.

Slightly relieved, Luca took caution as he entered; he looked towards the closed ensuite door focusing on the small gap where the base of the door meets the floor. Approaching very slowly he kept his eyes on the gap expecting to see movement within the light.

Standing in front of the door he found himself at a standoff patiently waiting for any sort of movement. The evidence of blood finished in this room, he was sure the other side of the bathroom door contained something he was not ready to see.

He took a deep breath kicking the door unable to prolong the inevitable. His gun securely pointed in front of him in a firm grip as the door swung open smashing violently onto the wall behind it. The cracking sound of the door mingling with the high pitched screams of a woman with a beretta pointed towards him.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Luca yelled pushing his jacket open, jamming his gun back into his holster. "Are you fûcking crazy?" He spat at Adriana who stood before him within the bathtub pressed up against the wall behind her shaking with fear. One of her bleeding hands roughly wrapped up in a white bath towel.

"JESUS!" She screamed loosening her grip on the beretta allowing Luca to reach forward and take it from her. She watched as he released the cartridge placing both the pieces on the counter before them.
She reached her uninjured hand out to take Luca's as he helped her step back out of the tub and onto the ground.

"What the fũck happened Ade?" He took her towel wrapped hand unwinding the mess she had made revealing a slice across her palm. "You scared the shìt out of me."

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