~Chapter 17~

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Chapter Song

Harder to Breathe - Maroon 5


"About time you answered the door." Luca stated rolling his eyes bringing a hand in front of him to push Adriana's front door further open. He casually made his way in with Stefano following closely behind.

"I see I have two drivers tonight," she closed the door sauntering over to the kitchen to retrieve some drinks.
She should have known Salvatore would pull such an act. She certainly didn't mind Stefano's company and she hadn't specified to send Luca alone. But she had hoped Salvatore was willing to trust her more, have a little faith in her.

She couldn't explain anymore times that Luca was not a threat. All she wanted was to mend the relationship between the two. She had already worked things through with Luca and the pair felt as though they were in a good place right now.

Luca simply wanted his boss and friends trust back. There had been chatter amongst the higher ranking men, considerable chatter regarding the assassination of Salvatore's father. Yet his roll was basically nonexistent while the others worked on finding the culprits.

"I believe you have a list of items for us to retrieve from your brother's place?" Luca enquired accepting the drink from Adriana who nodded before heading back towards the kitchen counter to retrieve the list as well as her brother's house keys.
He took a mouthful of his drink unfolding the piece of paper which was had very specific instructions on what the item was and where to find it.
"Caffettiera? Really?" He raised an eyebrow looking up at her darting around the room collecting her things. "You have a coffee machine and a bar downstairs, why would you possibly need a caffettiera?"

"Because." She responded in a tone which indicated the answer was obvious. "What if my coffee machine breaks down and the bar is closed and I'm in desperate need of caffeine? Besides," she smiled over at him. "Sometimes I just like the smell of freshly made coffee on the stove top in the mornings."

"Do you even have a coffee grinder Ade?" He challenged lowering his eyes back on the list.


"So basically it's impossible for you to even make the coffee then?"

Adriana grabbed her purse hooking the long strap around her shoulder. She walked straight up to Luca who continued to silently read the remaining items. She leaned over, reached out and snatched the list from his grip.

"Hey!" He protested shocked, waiting for an explanation as she casually made her way over to Stefano handing him the list.

"Stefano I'll let you take care of this. Some of us are in quite a mood tonight!" She turned back to Luca hearing him rise from his seat. "I'll let Salvo know you prefer to go back to working on the streets." She watched his expression turn into a cheeky grin as he shook his head in disagreement.

"Alright, alright! I'll lay off and add grinder to your list of things to retrieve."

"No need. The bullet blender I have works just fine as a grinder thank you very much, but you were too busy bìtchìng about my list to let me explain. Now let's go shall we?"


Elena recognized the knocking pattern on her door instantly. She reached for her robe wrapping it around her before answering her front door.
Surely enough Salvatore stood before her, a cigarette between his lips his hand moving up to take it between his thumb and index finger.

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