~Chapter 56~

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Chapter Song

Unstoppable – Sia


"FÜCK!" Salvatore cursed behind the closed doors of his office in his club Silenzio. Replaying the various footage sent to him via his laptop he could barely believe his eyes.
Footage of his now ex employee, ex friend, ex mistress, Elena Buontempo, mixing cocktails behind the bar while adding a little crushed something extra. Something which was clearly not a cocktail ingredient! He watched as she did this numerous times, not only to the cocktail, but also with the scotch from his decanter. She would make sure her back was turned to him covering the drinking station, slip a little powder in his glass then fill with the scotch. The cameras capturing the entire story.
He continued to watch footage from various cameras, her in his office sneakily pouring the majority of her drinks into Adriana's desk trash can, now giving him the impression she was either already pregnant at this point, or wanted to remain level headed.
The footage ended with Salvatore completely immobile sprawled out on the couch with Elena over him forcing him into what looked like a kiss before the main office video footage cut out.
However, a few minutes later back up recording resumed. It was much lower quality and ten minutes were unaccounted for, but the cameras in the bar area did continue to record and somewhere within those ten minutes Elena was captured going back behind the bar, retrieving a white substance wrapped in plastic and making her way back to the office.
He watched himself lay basically unconscious on the couch while Elena took apart Adriana's desk drawers using tape to mount the package inside.

"Lying little cünt!" He seethed outraged with his own stupidity and disgusted that Elena had this in her. Luca was shot dead right after this setup and now even she was involved.

There were too many elements to the story and he wasn't entirely sure where her involvement lay, but either way there was no positive outcome. She was acting as a rat for the cops, or the Gentile family. Neither option inspiring for her resume where it came to Salvo.

Slamming shut the laptop his anger escalated from a previously simmering heat to a raging inferno as he picked up the piece of technology launching it furiously against the office gyprock wall. The laptop strangely looking still intact but now wedged halfway inside the wall.
Without giving the laptop even a glance, he began to feverishly pace the room up and down, up and down. He needed to take a breath, clear his mind, but there was no time. There was too much to currently deal with unsure which fire to take out first.

He had his men working on a plan to hit back at the Gentile family, but he knew they would soon be done loading and transporting the guns to the location of his choosing within the next hour. It wasn't enough time for him to confront Elena once again, she would have to wait.
And now he knew he had to make good on his promise to Adriana. He had promised to share all information with her about the recordings and now he finally had it. The concept of lying to her had crossed his mind, the slight footage of him sprawled across the couch under Elena's thighs certainly didn't paint him in the best light, most of what he did never painted him in the best light. But burying these occurrences were always what set him backwards with his girlfriend and right now he needed her closer, more than ever.


"Your place looks cleaner..." Adriana commented a little awkwardly as the pair roamed through the newly organized penthouse. "A little bare..." She continued, "But I guess I did break a lot of your stuff..."

"I guess there's nothing else to break then." Salvatore responded with all seriousness as he led her to his home office.

"Well I didn't open your kitchen cupboards, I'm sure there are plates and glasses I could launch at you..."

"And I'm sure you would, which is why we're going to watch the footage in here, behind closed doors..." Stepping into the office Salvatore made sure to close the door behind them before key locking them inside and placing the key inside his suit jacket pocket.

"Am I going to be angry?" Adriana queried turning on her heels to look at him behind her. She didn't particularly want to start another fight but she certainly wasn't going to allow him to continue to walk all over her. There had to be boundaries and he had to understand what her limits were if he wanted to continue being in a relationship with her.

"You're going to be angry either way." He stated with all honesty. "If not with me, with Elena." Walking towards the desk he remained standing while he logged onto the already on computer and accessed his emails with the various video attachments.
"Baby..." He began as he looked up at her to find her arms already crossed over her chest, her eyebrows raised slightly and lips pursed together ready for another shĩt storm ready to hail down in his home office. "I'm going to show you everything I have, but before I do I need you to listen to me..."

"Salvo!" Cutting him off instantly she walked closer until she reached his desk. "I don't want to hear your explanation to whatever it is you're about to show me-"

"Hold on!" Now cutting her off his interruption came quick. "What I'm about to say isn't any sort of explanation. I need you to listen to me because under no circumstance can I have you fleeing from me today, understand?" He gave her a moment to take in his words before continuing. "I don't tell anyone my plans, just the men who need to know, are you understanding what I'm saying? I just need a nod for now..." He waited until she did so moving her head up and down almost humouring him. "The Gentile family are going to get what's coming to them, and it's coming to them tomorrow. So I need you to stick with me today and tomorrow and however many days after that it takes until I say it's safe again. Do you understand Adriana?"

This time she gave him a timid nod, he certainly wasn't sugar coating anything at the moment.

"I need you to say it, and I need you to mean it, because Adriana if you can't we won't be watching this footage today, we will save it for another time."

"I understand."

"Are you sure? Because baby I don't want to use force with you, but if you try to run from me today I'll make sure one way or another you don't get as far as the handle on my front door. Now look at me, and tell me that no matter what you see on this computer, you will stay with me until I say and you will cooperate with me until this is all over?"

He watched tentatively as she broke eye contact with him to walk around the desk to join him on the other side. Following her every move with his eyes she stopped next to him.

"Play it..." She instructed sternly, now he was really peaking her interests.

"Say it..."

"I understand and I won't run, but-"

"No there's no buts here baby, this isn't a negotiation!"

"But..." She continued tapping a single finger to the desk. "I can't promise that I won't launch you from your living room balcony..."

Opening up the first of the video files he shook his head in protest. "Baby, if you do that there will be no one to avenge Luca's death."


Oh Lord! Salvo, Salvo, Salvo! He is being oh so slightly bossy LOL

Seriously though, I know he sounds kinda threatening buuuuuut the situation is what it is! Imagine planning a hit and you're girlfriend runs off, nowhere to be found..? But you know who will find her? The bad guys of course!

So judging by all your comments book three looks like a winner haha - which is great considering I made a trailer for it like two years ago now LOL

Don't worry, I'll finally make it live by the end of the final chapter which is either the next chapter, or the one after that (don't know if I'm splitting the chapter in two yet so you're next may or may not be the final!)


I AM!!!



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