~Chapter 47~

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Chapter Song

Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol


Salvatore watched over Adriana patiently as she groaned and moved in her sleep, for the last twenty agonizing minutes she seemed as though she was ready to awaken. Every time he thought she was preparing to open her eyes, she would turn over and drift back into a light sleep.

He was growing increasingly nervous now coming to the realization that the moment she awoke he was going to have to face reality. How would she react? Would she blame everything on him? Would she blame herself? Would she even recall the events of the last few hours?

Just hours before he had been absolutely furious. His club had been swarming with who he considered his enemy, the NYPD.
Not only was he absolutely enraged with them, but his blood was boiling after being informed cocáine had been found on his premises, in his girlfriends desk drawer.
Salvatore certainly wasn’t naive to the fact that he was no saint, he was far from one with his rap sheet. However, drúgs were where he would draw the line.
He absolutely detested nàrcôtics. No matter how much more money he could reel in with the addition of dealing. His father had forbidden any association with the poison and he was determined to continue business without stooping to such levels.

To most of his men it didn’t make sense to have no qualms selling guns and ammo, loan sharking and murder. Yet narcötics were more than frowned upon. Even so, none of them would dare defy his rules.
That was until today. He had no idea how an entire pack of côcáine made it’s way not only to his club, but inside his very office. Was this the only pack? Could there be more? Was it being sold to his customers under his very nose? Could all of his men suddenly be turning a blind eye and allowing this to happen?

Pondering these disturbing thoughts, he noticed a flutter of Adriana's eyes. With a low groan, a hand slowly lifted from under her blanket, the palm of her right hand rubbing her right eye vigorously. As she continued to rub hard her mouth also began to move. Her parched dry lips parting as the tip of her tongue darted out in an attempt to moisten them.

Reaching for the jug of water sitting on the bedside table, Salvatore poured her half a glass in preparation.

“Adriana?” He whispered her name hopeful that this time she would remain awake. They needed to talk, it was essential before the NYPD arrived.
“Baby?” He whispered once again, this time a little louder placing a comforting hand over the blanket just above her stomach. Stroking her back and forth gently he trailed his hand towards one of hers taking it within his own in reassurance.

Within seconds she was staring directly at him. Her eyes locking with his own remaining in complete silence watching while he adjusted the angle of her bed so she was more in a seated position.

“Drink some water.” He instructed taking his free hand to grab the glass directing the straw to her dry lips. “Drink” he instructed again when she did nothing but stare in confusion.

Slowly but surely she finally took the straw between her lips, normally detesting room temperature water but on this occasion as soon as the water touched her lips she eagerly sucked up more of the liquid as if her life depended on it.
As she drank her eyes gradually began to roam her own body firstly noticing the change of clothes, and then the grazes on her hands. Releasing the straw she brought her hands up closer to her face to inspect before feeling the all too familiar feeling of tightening in her chest. The heart monitor attached to her mimicking her reaction not so silently as the beeping intervals began to increase substantially.

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