~Chapter 10~

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Chapter Song

Feel Again - One Republic


"Ready to see your new apartment?" Stefano stopped the car with a smile on his face. He pressed a button activating the central locking releasing Adriana allowing her to open her passenger door.

He watched her curiously observing her surroundings as she pulled her purse from her seat closing the passenger door shut.

"Very central" she stated impressed securing the purse strap over her shoulder.

"Also extremely close to work."


"Your apartment is literally above your workplace, you literally have no excuse to be late." Stefano stuck his tongue out at her playfully as he began to lead the way through to the side of the building and into an elevator.
"The Club entrance is at the front of the building, but you won't be entering from that way. Salvatore insists I show you the back way. It will lead you directly to the office area."

She nodded obediently as they slipped into the elevator eventually coming to a smooth stop. "So I'm working in a club?" She took Stefano's lead following him out swiftly directly towards a front door.

He nodded in response unlocking the door with a swipe card. She smiled when he leaned his back against the door encouraging her to enter. "Go on" he insisted motioning towards the inside with his head, "you'll love it."

Stefano wasn't wrong. The fully furnished apartment looked amazing. Adriana's eyes widened in admiration as she slowly walked into her new home.
The light furnishings against the light hardwood floors gave the apartment a great sense of space. "Wow" she murmured impressed. She walked herself over to a main grand window pressing a button on the wall enabling the white roller blind to automatically open. Sunlight began streaming into the apartment really showcasing the high end furnishings.
"Well, I hope Salvo pays well because this place is way beyond my means! What the hell was he thinking?" She turned her attention to Stefano who was now lounging on her oversized couch which could clearly be used to comfortably sleep numerous people on. "And who needs a couch this big?"

"Let's be honest Adriana, nobody wants to have sex on those skinny couches, they're uncomfortable and can be a real momentum killer. I have it on good authority that you can comfortably get on all fours on this couch." He slapped the couch pillow with his hand playfully.

"I'm sorry, has someone had sex on this couch? Have you had sex on this couch?"

"Not to my knowledge." He sat himself back upright, "get ready for work, your boss is expecting you downstairs in thirty. Mind if I make myself a coffee?"

"Not at all." She looked around the room a little confused before noticing Stefano was pointing in the direction of her bedroom. "I don't have my stuff though?"

"Your wardrobe is fully stocked with work appropriate clothes. You're welcome." He smirked pushing himself up making his way to the kitchen.

As if Adriana couldn't be floored anymore. She stood inside the walk in wardrobe stunned. Stefano was right, it was fully stocked with work dresses, blouses and skirts from black, grey, charcoal, white, navy and all with matching shoes. She had no idea where to begin, how was she supposed to make a decision in less than thirty minutes now? With all these options before her?

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