~Chapter 44~

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Chapter Song

Don't Let Me Down – The Chainsmokers


She barely recognized her own voice anymore as the shrilling high pitched screams continued without mercy. When another bullet came piercing from the passenger window behind her, Adriana's hand automatically rushed to cover her ears as the sound of her own screams combined with the shattering of the glass overcame her.
Unsure if she herself had been shot she was in too much shock to even ponder that fact. She was unable to see the first man anymore, the one who previously stood at Luca's door, she hadn't even taken note of who he was, what he looked like and why he was driven to such madness.
As she felt a harsh calloused hand grip her hair from behind she knew none of that mattered. Whoever they were, they were here to kill, and her shock had rendered her helpless. She didn't dare turn around, she didn't want to see whoever was responsible knowing very well that her only chance of survival now was to act ignorant. She hadn't seen their faces.
As the hand tightened its grip tearing a few strands of hair from her scalp she sobbed unable to take her eyes off Luca, her friend, lying there helplessly, a pool of his own blood becoming more and more obvious by the second.

"Miss Di Dio." The voice behind her pulling her from the car and out onto the street as she yelped and sobbed uncontrollably. Falling out of the car hitting the ground landing on pieces of glass only now realizing the amount of glass in her own hair.

"PLEASE!" She screamed. "LET ME GO!" Crawling to her knees she still refused to look up at her attackers. The tiny shards of glass embedding themselves against her skin.

"Miss Di Dio." The man repeated himself.

Keeping her eyes to the ground she noticed his shoes in view as he stood close awaiting her move. They were classic, sleek, black immaculate looking shoes so shiny he could have purchased them right before the shooting. Before she knew it he had her by the hair again, this time yanking her head all the way back forcing her eye to eye with him as he leaned low pressing his gun against her forehead forcing a scream from her lips.
The barrel was warm against her skin, too warm. Evidence of a freshly shot weapon.

"Tell Salvatore Abandonato the Gentile family send their regards courtesy of Michele." Stating the name in an Italian accent (Me-ke-le) Adriana gave him a slight look of confusion.

"Michele?" She repeated the man's name unsure of what this was all about and quite frankly ready for it all to end.

"Mmm." Removing the barrel from her forehead the man turned to his buddy as they concealed their weapons beneath their coats. "Perhaps you remember him as Mike..."




Her neighbour, her attacker, the man who briefly held her hostage before meeting his fate with death...

And just like that, the men were gone. She was still alive, now bearing a message for Salvatore.

"Luca..." His name falling off her lips in a whisper as people in the area who had heard the commotion now began to surround the horrific scene.
Forcing herself to her feet she briefly felt a man's presence behind her unaware he was helping her stand.

"Are you ok?" An older woman's voice asked genuinely worried as her eyes darted across the carnage.

"LUCA!" Adriana shrieked completely ignoring her.

He was lifeless and bloodied. His body half inside the car, half hanging out. Without any rational thought she threw herself towards him, tearing herself from the grasp of the strangers around her.
Pulling his body to the flat surface on the ground she straddled his body instinctively placing both palms of her hands on his gunshot wound applying a force so strong she wasn't even sure where it came from within her.

Pressure, pressure. Have to apply pressure.

She thought to herself desperately trying to recall any First Aid skills.

"LUCA!" She continued to scream his name. "Stay with me, please Luca. Pleeeeease" Too afraid to check his pulse she continued to apply pressure with trembling hands, tears now streaming down her cheeks as she heard brief conversations around her. Someone was calling an ambulance.
"You're going to be ok." She sobbed the blood thick and dark seeping through the gaps of her fingers. "Luca Genovese! You're going to be ok!"


This is NOT a drill! OMG it's an update... Whaaaaaaaaaaaat!?!?!?!?

Ok so firstly... I owe you ALL an explanation for my almost one year absence... What in the actual heck right? I know, I'm terrible, I can't comprehend it all myself!!!

So I disappeared... Why? Well to begin with I was sick, very VERY sick... And the next thing I knew BAM I was pregnant =O 


Yep... Pregnant... My body had been invaded and no lie, for the ENTIRE 9 months I was violently ill, apparently like 1% of people get this thing that I had (I won't bore you with the medical details as trust me we'll be here all freaking day!) But yeah I was very violently ill the entire time, I'm not even joking, I so wish I was exaggerating and holy hell as cute as my baby is I don't EVER want to go through what I went through. 

Vomit... morning, noon and night... All... Day... Long... Why oh why do they call it morning sickness? It was all day... ALLLLLLLL DAAAAAY!!!

Literally everyone saw me puke, everywhere I went, up until giving birth to this child which I seriously thought was the spawn of Satan...

On top of being violently ill on the daily that also brought in so many risks of premature labour, it wasn't cool. I had to cancel all my travel plans including missing out on a dear friends destination wedding =( 

So here I am now... Missing Salvo & Ade but having no time to write =( lately the itch has been back harder than even but it's so so sooooo hard to find any time to write so I can't promise anything except that I WILL finish this book, there is an ending and I WILL provide you guys with that ending.

I can't make any updating promises however, and realistically I may have to switch from my usual long chapters to shorter ones. It may be easier to write this way. We shall see! 

So I apologize for the ridiculously long wait for this seriously short chapter =/ I'm just trying oh so hard to get back into things so bare with me. 

Thank you to all you lovely people  who wrote on my wall and private messaged me during my disappearance, I will endeavor to read and get back to you all as soon as I can xoxox

If you're still here with me... Comment and Vote x

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