~Chapter 7~

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Chapter Song

Lost Cause - Imagine Dragons


Adriana stood silently, tray in hand, condolences envelope on top. She didn't even dare to breathe yet as her fingers gripped the tray as tightly as she could, she could hear the slight crumpling sound of the aluminium crushing under her grip.

She hadn't expected anyone to be in the kitchen, it was stupid of her really to assume such a thing.

The two women were at a complete standoff. Neither moving nor saying a word. The awkwardness of the situation escalating by each and every second that ticked by between them.

Adriana had no idea what to say or do. She was floored at the sight of Giuseppa suddenly standing tall in the kitchen. She was turned around and slumped over the sink when she first stepped in, however now she stood tall, arms crossed over her chest as she inhaled angry breaths through her nose. A bull waiting to charge and she was the red cloth.

"Get out..."

"I-I- Josephine, I just want-" as she stuttered she accidentally tipped the tray a little forcing the envelope to slide off towards Giuseppa's feet. She didn't dare step forward to retrieve it.

"I said..." She took a step forward, leaning over to pick up it up. "Get. Out!" She threw the envelope back towards her bouncing off the tray and back onto the ground.

Adriana took in a deep breath. She had to do something to diffuse the situation before it spiraled out of control. Something she sensed Giuseppa had in her, especially today.

"Josephine," Adriana finally gathered the courage to walk towards her stopping at the kitchen island. She placed the tray and card down, her eyes focusing on the lasagna. Finally she looked up studying Giuseppa's hard expression.
"I'm so sorry for your loss."

Giuseppa raised a hand to stop her immediately. "No" she spat. "Don't you dare. Don't you dare you selfish little puttana." (bĩtch/whõre)
Without warning, she violently picked up the tray turning towards the sink. With one hand she opened the cupboard underneath revealing the trash. She pressed her foot on the lever, turned her head to look at Adriana then simply dropped the food in.

Adriana was shocked. She had expected a few nasty words, maybe even threats, but throwing her food into the trash? This woman was really something else.

"That the kind of trash you were trying to feed my boy? Store bought lasagna?"

"I'm staying at a hotel Josephine; I didn't exactly have an oven to bake it. I just wanted to stop by and say that I'm so-"

"A hotel?" Giuseppa interrupted now picking up the envelope tearing it open. She scanned over the words before rolling her eyes. "Love" she spat. "You don't have an ounce of love in you." She threw the card angrily before folding her arms across her chest once more.
"I suppose you're whõring around at that hotel of yours? While my son picks up the pieces yes?"

"Look. I didn't come here to fight."

"No?" Giuseppa walked around the kitchen island watching her turn around as she pressed her lower back up against it. She wanted to intimidate her, show her who calls the shots around here.
"No dear, you came here to manipulate my son again. Didn't you?" She reached out grabbing onto one of her wrists firmly, "you're here to prey on him while he's down, like the inconsiderate little whöre that you are!"
She yanked her forward forcing her back off the island.
"Vattene da questa casa e non ti rischiare di ritornare." (Leave this house and don't you dare come back)

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